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Apr 27, 2022
a little black boy sees his mammy whippin' up some home made pancakes one Saturday morning, and while she's doin' it, he approaches the counter, pats his hands in the flour, and then pats his flour covered hands all over his face, turning himself white. He looks at his Mammy and says, "Look Mammy! I'm white!!!!"

Mammy immediately slaps the shit out of the boy,, and yells at him, "You're black!!! And goddammit, you better be proud of it!!!!"

At that point, the little black boy's father, hearing the ruckus inside the house, leaves his porch stoop and heads inside, finding the boy and his Mammy in the kitchen. "What the fuk is goin' on in here?," he yells. The boy, still proud of his new-found identity, and thinkin' his father will see things a bit differently, eagerly proclaims to his father, "Look daddy, I'm white!!!!"

The boy's daddy immediately slaps the shit out of the boy, and yells at him, "goddammit boy, you're black, and you better be proud of it!!! Don't ever let me hear you say that shit again!!!!" The little boy skulks away to his room. About five minutes later, with the pancakes done, his Mammy calls him back to the kitchen table for breakfast, and the little black boy, sad look on his face, comes into the kitchen, face still mostly covered in flour, and a few tear streaks running down his face. His Mammy, seeing his the sad look on his face as he sits down, asks him "What's wrong, baby?"

The little black boy looks at his parents and says, "I've only been white for ten minutes, and I already hate you ni**gers!!!"

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
a little black boy sees his mammy whippin' up some home made pancakes one Saturday morning, and while she's doin' it, he approaches the counter, pats his hands in the flour, and then pats his flour covered hands all over his face, turning himself white. He looks at his Mammy and says, "Look Mammy! I'm white!!!!"

Mammy immediately slaps the shit out of the boy,, and yells at him, "You're black!!! And goddammit, you better be proud of it!!!!"

At that point, the little black boy's father, hearing the ruckus inside the house, leaves his porch stoop and heads inside, finding the boy and his Mammy in the kitchen. "What the fuk is goin' on in here?," he yells. The boy, still proud of his new-found identity, and thinkin' his father will see things a bit differently, eagerly proclaims to his father, "Look daddy, I'm white!!!!"

The boy's daddy immediately slaps the shit out of the boy, and yells at him, "goddammit boy, you're black, and you better be proud of it!!! Don't ever let me hear you say that shit again!!!!" The little boy skulks away to his room. About five minutes later, with the pancakes done, his Mammy calls him back to the kitchen table for breakfast, and the little black boy, sad look on his face, comes into the kitchen, face still mostly covered in flour, and a few tear streaks running down his face. His Mammy, seeing his the sad look on his face as he sits down, asks him "What's wrong, baby?"

The little black boy looks at his parents and says, "I've only been white for ten minutes, and I already hate you ni**gers!!!"

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
"Interviewer: How much amount of milk does your cow produce?

Farmer: which one, black one or white one?

Interviewer: Black one

Farmer: 2 litres per day.

Interviewer: And the white one?

Farmer: 2 litres per day.

Interviewer : Where do they sleep?

Farmer: The Black one or the White one?

Interviewer: The black one

Farmer : In the Barn

Interviewer: And the White one?

Farmer: In the Barn also

Interviewer: Your cows look healthy... What do you feed them?

Farmer: which one or white one?

Interviewer: Black one

Farmer: Grass

Interviewer: And the white one?

Farmer: Grass

Interviewer: (Annoyed) but why do you keep on asking if black one or white one when answers
are just the same??

Farmer: Because the black one is mine.

Interviewer: And the white one?

Farmer: Its also mine."



Oct 27, 2021
Two couples were playing cards.
Dave accidentally drops some cards and reaches under the table to pick them up.
While under the table he notices Tom's wife, Karen isn't wearing any panties under her dress.

Dave goes to the kitchen to get some drinks and Karen follows him and asks, "Did you like what you saw under the table."
Dave says, "Yes."
Karen says, "You can have it for $500"
Dave says, "OK".
Karen says, "Tom golfs on Fridays at 2:00. Come over then".

Dave shows up and does the deed and pays the $500.

That evening Tom comes home and asks Karen, "Did Dave stop by today".
Karen is shocked and figures she's busted. She says, "Yes".
Tom asks, "Did he give you $500?".
Karen drops her head and says, "Um, Yes".

Tom, smiles and says "Great. He came by the golf club this morning and borrowed $500 and said he'd stop by our house on his way home this afternoon and pay me back."
Last edited:



Oct 5, 2022
Two couples were playing cards.
Dave accidentally drops some cards and reaches under the table to pick them up.
While under the table he notices Tom's wife, Karen isn't wearing any panties under her dress.

Dave goes to the kitchen to get some drinks and Karen follows him and asks, "Did you like what you saw under the table."
Dave says, "Yes."
Karen says, "You can have it for $500"
Dave says, "OK".
Karen says, "Tom golfs on Fridays at 2:00. Come over then".

Dave shows up and does the deed and pays the $500.

That evening Tom comes home and asks Karen, "Did Dave stop by today".
Karen is shocked and figures she's busted. She says, "Yes".
Tom asks, "Did he give you $500?".
Karen drops her head and says, "Um, Yes".

Tom, smiles and says "Great. He came by the golf club this morning and borrowed $500 and said he'd stop by our house on his way home this afternoon and pay me back."
that feeling when you get f.... for free and feel happy because it could have been much worse

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
Two couples were playing cards.
Dave accidentally drops some cards and reaches under the table to pick them up.
While under the table he notices Tom's wife, Karen isn't wearing any panties under her dress.

Dave goes to the kitchen to get some drinks and Karen follows him and asks, "Did you like what you saw under the table."
Dave says, "Yes."
Karen says, "You can have it for $500"
Dave says, "OK".
Karen says, "Tom golfs on Fridays at 2:00. Come over then".

Dave shows up and does the deed and pays the $500.

That evening Tom comes home and asks Karen, "Did Dave stop by today".
Karen is shocked and figures she's busted. She says, "Yes".
Tom asks, "Did he give you $500?".
Karen drops her head and says, "Um, Yes".

Tom, smiles and says "Great. He came by the golf club this morning and borrowed $500 and said he'd stop by our house on his way home this afternoon and pay me back."
His name should be "The Brilliant Dave"! haha



Oct 5, 2022

Aptronym is a personal name aptly or peculiarly suited to its owner.​

Some famous examples of peoples whose name accurately describes them.
Usain Bolt- Jamaican sprinter.
Margaret Court- Australian tennis player.
Josh Outman- baseball pitcher.
Novak Djokovic - vaccine dodger.



Oct 5, 2022

Breaking News:​

In a shock move,The English Cricket Board have announced tennis World No.1 Novak Djokovic as temporary batting coach.

"We acknowledge he doesn't no f*** all about Cricket, but we couldn't overlook the fact it took Australia two weeks to get him out."