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So hate making a post like this…

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Oct 27, 2021
So just confirmed they will be doing the bypass - likely someday next week.

Said my age and physical condition - it’s the absolute no hesitation recommended course of action - I’m young and in good shape (haven’t heard that one since around age 21 and introducing my body to beer).

I’m good with it - again given the outcomes - major surgery is actually preferable to what could have happened.

BMR be warned - I’ll soon have lots of idle time - nothing to do but set around and cruise the internet so I’ll be more active: Time to start funding accounts and making some time passing wagers I guess. Maybe start getting back into watching horse racing.

Appreciate the thoughts and such - means a lot.

Oh and feeling fine at the moment - a little tired but that’s more a combination of trying to sleep in a hospital - and just dealing with the gravity of the situation and not knowing for certain the plan. Now that I know - it’s somewhat of a relief I guess.

Did notice one of the xray reports said a small amount of pneumonia present (not unexpected laying around) - also said degenerate spine - the fact I post at BMR confirmed the degenerate part - spine, heart, soul and mind.
I know you’ll be laid up at least 1-2 days after surgery before you’re doing much of anything but after you feel up to it, I hope you’ll post an update.

A lot of us will be praying for you and hoping for the best possible outcome.



Jan 8, 2024
Doing better today - still nervous of course - but I know the odds.

It’s a relatively safe procedure and not doing it means I’m a time bomb. Surgery and being in pain in a hospital a few days and laid up at home a month sucks - but guessing dropping of a heart attack unexpectedly is not real picnic either. Even if I could do it in the most spectacularly fashionable way and leaving people saying I can’t he checked out like that.



Jan 8, 2024
And the roller coaster is on again.

So hospital dr just stopped in - said another cardiologist wants to meet with me. I know enough to know when multiple specialist of the same specialty want to meet with you - it’s not generally because it’s a simple thing.

As I understand it - the concern is my heart function and basically the risk. Initially was told bypass was preferred because of my age and the amount of blockage - has highest and best long term success.

Now the concern is the risk of a big operation on someone with a potentially reduced heart function. Kind of sucks to hear - as it just validates my fears about this surgery. Alternative would be angioplasty/stent - simpler of course - but does it return me to 100%?

Then there’s the diabetes factor - again one of the things that makes bypass preferred. I’ve been bad about managing it admittedly - never well controlled. Amazingly - I get to the hospital - go 4 days without coke, tons of carbs and junk food and I’m a consistent 120-140 glucose (regularly 280-360 at home if I ever checked). Obviously if I just do what I’m supposed to - it’s easily controlled with minimal meds…but my stupid ass ignored this for a decade (even as I watched people die doing the same and saw my mother go from being horrible at around my age to not needing any meds as she aged and was forced to control her diet). WTF did I not wake up before ?!?

Again - heed my warnings here of your in a similar position. Diabetes did not cause this - but it didn’t help and probably hid the warning pains. You have to take care of yourself or something will take care of you.
  • Wow
Reactions: JDS

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
And the roller coaster is on again.

So hospital dr just stopped in - said another cardiologist wants to meet with me. I know enough to know when multiple specialist of the same specialty want to meet with you - it’s not generally because it’s a simple thing.

As I understand it - the concern is my heart function and basically the risk. Initially was told bypass was preferred because of my age and the amount of blockage - has highest and best long term success.

Now the concern is the risk of a big operation on someone with a potentially reduced heart function. Kind of sucks to hear - as it just validates my fears about this surgery. Alternative would be angioplasty/stent - simpler of course - but does it return me to 100%?

Then there’s the diabetes factor - again one of the things that makes bypass preferred. I’ve been bad about managing it admittedly - never well controlled. Amazingly - I get to the hospital - go 4 days without coke, tons of carbs and junk food and I’m a consistent 120-140 glucose (regularly 280-360 at home if I ever checked). Obviously if I just do what I’m supposed to - it’s easily controlled with minimal meds…but my stupid ass ignored this for a decade (even as I watched people die doing the same and saw my mother go from being horrible at around my age to not needing any meds as she aged and was forced to control her diet). WTF did I not wake up before ?!?

Again - heed my warnings here of your in a similar position. Diabetes did not cause this - but it didn’t help and probably hid the warning pains. You have to take care of yourself or something will take care of you.
You are facing the most challenging parts of this whole situation, the meeting with your doctors, the surgery plan, and the recovery, but once you're done with all of this, you will have enough time to continue, and this time to continue with proper care of yourself. Just hang on, DJ! 🙏



Jan 8, 2024
More test - likely more tomorrow.

Cardiologist PA was in - spun it much different then the hospital doc - she says surgery is almost a certainty and no worries about not being a candidate.

Guess we see what they say.

The “spooky” part of this process - they actually work up a “score” for you based on all the test results/age/condition/ect - basically it’s “how likely are you to die” score - you don’t want to get high score at this game. I’m familiar with actuary tables and such - but damn - knowing someone will come around and say “this is the likelihood you die tomorrow” is just a little too harsh of a reality for my mind. I don’t care if it say .01% - there’s a reason their called “favorites” and not “guaranteed results” - upsets happen and in this case you sure as hell ain’t pulling for the underdog.



Dec 11, 2021
More test - likely more tomorrow.

Cardiologist PA was in - spun it much different then the hospital doc - she says surgery is almost a certainty and no worries about not being a candidate.

Guess we see what they say.

The “spooky” part of this process - they actually work up a “score” for you based on all the test results/age/condition/ect - basically it’s “how likely are you to die” score - you don’t want to get high score at this game. I’m familiar with actuary tables and such - but damn - knowing someone will come around and say “this is the likelihood you die tomorrow” is just a little too harsh of a reality for my mind. I don’t care if it say .01% - there’s a reason their called “favorites” and not “guaranteed results” - upsets happen and in this case you sure as hell ain’t pulling for the underdog.
I love how you mix in gambling terminology with these tests to determine your fate. I think that’s healthy psychologically DJ and your attitude throughout this whole entire process, very composed you’re gonna make it through I have a good feeling about this. 👍



Jan 8, 2024
Latest score in on heart function in - 33

Not great (obviously) - 50-52 is the “safe” range.

40 is heart failure - 30 is severe

Ideally - surgery, rehab and lifestyle change - I’m back to 50 and stay there for a while.