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So hate making a post like this…

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Oct 27, 2021
Yea - it’s been an “adventure” - that’s for sure.

Looking back - I’m just under 2 months post surgery and feels like forever ago. Able to don anything I did before and probably a little more.

It was a wake up call - and still is in a way. I think - “this was no big deal” - go into rehab and talk with people who went through similar and I’m in much better shape than many of them - especially since they had surgery 3-4 months ago. Of course most are 70+ too.

I talk to some friends who went through this at my age and they are like yea - it was scary in the moment but I’m on the right track. But then I get on FB and see something that just reminds me how damn close I came to not being here. Right after I went into hospital - I heard from one of my big clients at work - just wishing me well and said one of his drivers about my age just went through something similar - then coincidentally the home health nurse tells me he has another patient around my age who just had the same surgery 2 weeks before me - didn’t take much to figure out it was same guy that worked for my client given it’s a relatively small town.

The nurse mentioned the other guy was having some issues - partially brought on by rushing back and not understanding there are limits as to what you should be doing for a reason. Got on FB yesterday and my client had shared his obit and asked for prayers for the family as well as setting up a fund raiser for them to help with expenses. It’s just like “shit - this could have really turned out bad - having to read about someone who just left an unexpected widow and kid getting ready to go to college in a year and leaving them with a sudden drop off in income.

I guess I’m “fortunate” - no kids, fairly financially secure and Mrs is set if anything happens to me as I’ve got fairly good life insurance. Of course no amount of money can replace a person - it just eases the burden financially. So yea - I’ve gotten my reminder not let up on the changes.
Go slow. Don't rush....
You know the speech. I'm sure the wife is telling it to you daily.