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So hate making a post like this…

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BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
Yea - it’s not certain they will want to do bypass - but as a betting mine I’d go that route most likely based on age / condition.

just sucks - but going over list of friends/relatives I’ve lost before age 55 - it’s eye opening. Man you never think it will be you. Making out a will wasn’t top of my weekend chores until now.

BTW the thing today piece of cake - 45 minutes - no pain.
I know it's hard not to overthink all these medical situations you're going through rn. But you are going to be okay. Just be strong, DJ.



Jul 27, 2024
Had a 5 bypass in 2015. Had 2 stents put in last year. Finally got serious about my health. Lost 30 lbs. in the last year. Have about 60 more to go, but for the first time since I've been monitoring it (about 25 years), my A1C, triglycerides, cholesterol, and Vitamin D are all at normal levels.

The only thing I can advise is not to put too much pressure on yourself. Your health didn't get like this overnight, and you are not going to magically fix it tomorrow. Follow what the doctor says, and remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. God Bless You, Sir!

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
Still hanging in there - moved to bigger hospital.

Different feel over here - not nearly as nice and no private rooms - of course goal is to get out of here and not stick around.

Thanks for positive thoughts and comments. Just remember to not take anyone or anything for granted - it can change in an instant.



Oct 27, 2021
Had a 5 bypass in 2015. Had 2 stents put in last year. Finally got serious about my health. Lost 30 lbs. in the last year. Have about 60 more to go, but for the first time since I've been monitoring it (about 25 years), my A1C, triglycerides, cholesterol, and Vitamin D are all at normal levels.

The only thing I can advise is not to put too much pressure on yourself. Your health didn't get like this overnight, and you are not going to magically fix it tomorrow. Follow what the doctor says, and remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. God Bless You, Sir!
Glad you're hanging in there and getting healthier.

@djefferis our thoughts are with you on this journey.



Jan 8, 2024
So just confirmed they will be doing the bypass - likely someday next week.

Said my age and physical condition - it’s the absolute no hesitation recommended course of action - I’m young and in good shape (haven’t heard that one since around age 21 and introducing my body to beer).

I’m good with it - again given the outcomes - major surgery is actually preferable to what could have happened.

BMR be warned - I’ll soon have lots of idle time - nothing to do but set around and cruise the internet so I’ll be more active: Time to start funding accounts and making some time passing wagers I guess. Maybe start getting back into watching horse racing.

Appreciate the thoughts and such - means a lot.

Oh and feeling fine at the moment - a little tired but that’s more a combination of trying to sleep in a hospital - and just dealing with the gravity of the situation and not knowing for certain the plan. Now that I know - it’s somewhat of a relief I guess.

Did notice one of the xray reports said a small amount of pneumonia present (not unexpected laying around) - also said degenerate spine - the fact I post at BMR confirmed the degenerate part - spine, heart, soul and mind.



Jan 8, 2024
+1. DJ is a valuable asset on many topics to this community, and seems like a genuinely good person, also very experienced dealing with people & money smart guy overall.

Thanks - it’s taken a lot of years of learning to bullshit from some all time greats to get to this level.

Basically - I learned from the best hanging out in shitty dive bars and working with semi pro locals - the old pros knew how to bullshit their way into whatever they wanted. The day I stopped resisting their conniving ways and learned how to use them to my advantage made me a better people person.

Like they say - the smartest vampires don’t bleed their victims dry - likewise the smartest people just take a little and make you like them so when they come back and take a little more you just laugh them off. Hey - we are all people and people overall seek out enjoyment and love hearing stories. If they didn’t gambling wouldn’t exist - overall we know in the end only the house wins - but we come back and take our shots anyway - seeking just the thrill of a win today.



Jan 8, 2024
GL with the surgery. Don't sweat those bets too hard... the last thing you need is another heart attack. ;)

Bet like a pro - never sweat an event too hard..there will be more tomorrow and if you do your homework - long term you can sneak out a profit. It’s a numbers game - too many caught up chasing/getting even and find themselves buried.



Jan 8, 2024
Healthcare is the US is REACTIVE because drug companies make big money. Get fat, take a shot.

Actually agree with this take.

We like not having to show restraint - we want to do what feels good. Unfortunately there’s a price to that - as well as eating crap made with corn syrup and additives.

Pharma has a solution - only cost $900 a month - but hey when it’s pay or die - you’ll pay (or someone will). Healthcare is ridiculous - wife works for a health system - if I had to rely on her insurance - I’d be limited to using their system. Fortunately I’m on my own and it’s a relatively generous plan. Hate to see how much I’m going to cost the company through this.



Jul 27, 2024
Actually agree with this take.

We like not having to show restraint - we want to do what feels good. Unfortunately there’s a price to that - as well as eating crap made with corn syrup and additives.

Pharma has a solution - only cost $900 a month - but hey when it’s pay or die - you’ll pay (or someone will). Healthcare is ridiculous - wife works for a health system - if I had to rely on her insurance - I’d be limited to using their system. Fortunately I’m on my own and it’s a relatively generous plan. Hate to see how much I’m going to cost the company through this.
My complete bill before insurance for my 5-bypass in 2015 was a little over $72,000.



Jul 25, 2022
So just confirmed they will be doing the bypass - likely someday next week.

Said my age and physical condition - it’s the absolute no hesitation recommended course of action - I’m young and in good shape (haven’t heard that one since around age 21 and introducing my body to beer).

I’m good with it - again given the outcomes - major surgery is actually preferable to what could have happened.

BMR be warned - I’ll soon have lots of idle time - nothing to do but set around and cruise the internet so I’ll be more active: Time to start funding accounts and making some time passing wagers I guess. Maybe start getting back into watching horse racing.

Appreciate the thoughts and such - means a lot.

Oh and feeling fine at the moment - a little tired but that’s more a combination of trying to sleep in a hospital - and just dealing with the gravity of the situation and not knowing for certain the plan. Now that I know - it’s somewhat of a relief I guess.

Did notice one of the xray reports said a small amount of pneumonia present (not unexpected laying around) - also said degenerate spine - the fact I post at BMR confirmed the degenerate part - spine, heart, soul and mind.
I hope you recover soon. You are a very well respected poster here and the best writer. BMR needs to open their hearts but especially their wallet and put you on the payroll. Nobody here can write better than you. You are in our prayers!



Jan 8, 2024
No need to pay me - just tolerating my occasional rants and opinions is enough.

And honestly - it’s somewhat therapeutic to post. It’s a distraction from something that really has me scared shitless. It’s weird - the surgery itself I guess doesn’t scare me - it’s the recovery and worrying about something going wrong.

I just can’t deal with the thought of my wife having to deal with something happening to me. It sucks - people in their 40s shouldn’t have to worry about suddenly becoming the head of household - making funeral arrangements and having to move on alone. All because of my shit luck and choices in life (including not seeing a Dr sooner).

Again - this is why I posted this - just a reminder to everyone to not take things for granted and not to ignore your health and warning signs. I don’t care who you are - there is generally someone or something you care deeply about that whose world would be upset if you weren’t in it. Don’t mess around and put them at risk. If it were just me - I’d be fine - but there’s more than that. I need to get out of my own head I know - but it’s so damn hard. Sometimes just posting something gives me a moment of relief from reality (or my worst case view of reality). I know it’s 99% safe and all that - but “what if” bothers me - ALOT.