The issue isn't revisiting what you call "bad rulings". The issue is that this ruling, which overruled a long-standing precedence, that was supported through numerous cases over and over again, can now be used as a standard practice by the court. Dobbs will become a precedence for overturning any prior ruling and will be based on the political leanings of the court.
I can guarantee Dobbs will be used, in the future, by a liberal leaning Supreme Court to remove gun rights. That liberal court will say, screw the precidence that had been previously set by the Supreme Court ruling on 2nd amendment rights. We are removing those rights and will use Dobbs as a basis for allowing precedence to be ignored.
Everything is now fair game to be changed and it will be dependent upon if the court is liberal or conservative leaning. Hell, we may even see Dobbs overturned when liberals lead the court and then subsequently reinstated when conservatives take the court back over. That will prove to make a mockery of our democracy.
This ruling opens a pandoras box. Conservatives, won't be able to bitch about it when a liberal court uses Dobbs to screw us.
I can guarantee Dobbs will be used, in the future, by a liberal leaning Supreme Court to remove gun rights. That liberal court will say, screw the precidence that had been previously set by the Supreme Court ruling on 2nd amendment rights. We are removing those rights and will use Dobbs as a basis for allowing precedence to be ignored.
Everything is now fair game to be changed and it will be dependent upon if the court is liberal or conservative leaning. Hell, we may even see Dobbs overturned when liberals lead the court and then subsequently reinstated when conservatives take the court back over. That will prove to make a mockery of our democracy.
This ruling opens a pandoras box. Conservatives, won't be able to bitch about it when a liberal court uses Dobbs to screw us.