I'm definitely trying to be more conscientious of what I'm eating as far as calories are concerned. Drinking a lot more diet / no sugar products even though I don't think they are the greatest in their own right with aspartame. I've been drinking a lot of sparkling water as well and the brand I buy has no aspartame. All natural
Bobby, I had my blood work done and was found to be pre-diabetic so I cut out half the carbs I usually ate. I can still have all my old favorites, just half the carb parts. I also eat carrots/broccoli/cauliflower in Ranch dressing or a salad instead of french fries with a burger. I also buy keto flour to make pizza at home. Tastes just as good as restaurant pizza.
Stick to high protein foods will fill you up. If you get into a rhythm where you rarely eat significant carbs or sugar, the fat will fly off. If you lift some weights you'll feel even better.
Why are Americans all addicted to those shit carbonated beverages??
Stick to high protein foods will fill you up. If you get into a rhythm where you rarely eat significant carbs or sugar, the fat will fly off. If you lift some weights you'll feel even better.
Why are Americans all addicted to those shit carbonated beverages??
Bobby, I had my blood work done and was found to be pre-diabetic so I cut out half the carbs I usually ate. I can still have all my old favorites, just half the carb parts. I also eat carrots/broccoli/cauliflower in Ranch dressing or a salad instead of french fries with a burger. I also buy keto flour to make pizza at home. Tastes just as good as restaurant pizza.
I've been trying to cut out the carbs. Haven't had a good pasta dish in a while and that's one of my favorites. I'm just trying to be more conscientious of what I'm eating and how much of what I'm eating. I think I could still enjoy some things that I like but just not eat as much
I know I currently don't drink enough water. Been trying to drink more sparkling water to get some but I know I need to stick to straight regular water. I've been trying to walk more. Rather than driving to get the mail down the block I have started to walk. It's not far but at least it's a start
Stick to high protein foods will fill you up. If you get into a rhythm where you rarely eat significant carbs or sugar, the fat will fly off. If you lift some weights you'll feel even better.
Why are Americans all addicted to those shit carbonated beverages??
I got a gym membership a few months ago and honestly I haven't been yet. I know I need to go as I'm sure it will help but I'm trying to diet part first and will eventually get into the gym portion of it. I know once I start to do that it will be even easier
"Visceral fat is belly fat found deep within your abdominal cavity. It surrounds important organs, including your stomach, liver and intestines. It's different than subcutaneous fat, which is fat just below your skin. Visceral fat is actually more dangerous to your health."
I love to eat chicharron/lechon.. that's why it's hard for me to lower my visceral fat. I know the normal range is between 1 to 12.
Water intake key. Cutting out sugary drinks and even alcohol will automatically reduce your weight a nice chunk in just 3-4 weeks and youll feel so much better. Many of us are dehydrated because of what we eat and drink