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Thoughts On Hit This AM NY CITY Streets CEO United Health Care

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Oct 27, 2021
Damn - pissed off family member of someone whose insurance wouldn’t pay for treatments or just some nut case hoping to get rich sparking a drop in UHC stock or the Dow Jones (UHC is the biggest stock in the big board - as share price and not market cap drive the average).
I think this is the answer.



Oct 27, 2021
Strange no security in place at all - as I understand it he was walking from the hotel on the street to the nearby center where an investor day was being held - gunned down in the street.

That in itself tells me either the shooter was no dummy / or very very lucky. A busy NY street is not exactly easy to make a clean get away. There’s the obvious traffic (pedestrian and vehicle) - cameras everywhere (surveillance and people with their phones) and then the issue of how do you simply “blend in” while chaos all around you.

At past employers had friends who were familiar with things like protection of persons of interest/high level execs - basically responsible for providing insurance to their employers and such - think high level employee with an oil company doing business in some African nation type of thing.

For a person of this level - it would be odd he was just alone by himself on the street walking from building to building immediately before an investor meeting. Not as high profile as a general shareholder meeting I guess - but still these are events for big investors and media - making them great opportunities for some person/group wanting to get attention for their cause that involves the company presenting to do so - protesting or pulling some PR stunt for example.
Well thought out by the gunman.
Waiting for the CEO, using silencer, walking away through alleys to try and avoid cameras, taking a bike from that point on......

Seems well planned.

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016



Jan 8, 2024
It’s very perplexing / on one hand well thought out and professionally done. He knew exactly who he was looking for - was prepared not only to shoot - but to get away. People discount how hard it is for people not comfortable with guns to walk up - shoot someone and then walk away.

But the damn gun jams - tells me he’s using something cheap and no pro is using some cheap ass pistol they bought yesterday at a sporting goods store. Pros use better weapons that aren’t gonna jam up on them - as jams aren’t easily cleared always and you might not get another shot.

But the whole theory of pissed off customer doesn’t make sense - unless he’s REALLY pissed and has been preparing for a while.

The fact they are acknowledging “prior threats” and no security is even stranger. For no other reason than it’s a busy area of NYC and just a lot of random little issues - he’d usually be assigned security. Not specifically a “bodyguard” just someone to act as a second set of eyes and keep watch for any random issues that might pop up. Knowing there were threats makes it almost inexcusable he had zero security on him.

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
It’s very perplexing / on one hand well thought out and professionally done. He knew exactly who he was looking for - was prepared not only to shoot - but to get away. People discount how hard it is for people not comfortable with guns to walk up - shoot someone and then walk away.

But the damn gun jams - tells me he’s using something cheap and no pro is using some cheap ass pistol they bought yesterday at a sporting goods store. Pros use better weapons that aren’t gonna jam up on them - as jams aren’t easily cleared always and you might not get another shot.

But the whole theory of pissed off customer doesn’t make sense - unless he’s REALLY pissed and has been preparing for a while.

The fact they are acknowledging “prior threats” and no security is even stranger. For no other reason than it’s a busy area of NYC and just a lot of random little issues - he’d usually be assigned security. Not specifically a “bodyguard” just someone to act as a second set of eyes and keep watch for any random issues that might pop up. Knowing there were threats makes it almost inexcusable he had zero security on him.
I wonder if he knows the hitman and was able to talk to him before the shooting considering they came from the same direction.



Oct 27, 2021
But the damn gun jams - tells me he’s using something cheap and no pro is using some cheap ass pistol they bought yesterday at a sporting goods store. Pros use better weapons that aren’t gonna jam up on them - as jams aren’t easily cleared always and you might not get another shot.
The gun jamming part through me off too but, he did resolve it (twice) quickly and kept firing. He knew how to handle it so he's had experience with it.

Are silencers even legal? Can you buy them? That is a huge flag for me and makes me think its someone hired.

He was so calm the entire time. No rush. Wasn't worried about the witness. Everything seemed like someone who's done this before.



Jan 8, 2024
The more I see / read - I’m going with financial terrorist.

Plenty of groups out there regularly making “demands” against high level / high profile people - threatening violence if not paid for their “protection”. Mainly Eastern European in nature - Russia/Albania but occasionally some Chinese too (especially when targeting other Asians). These groups have the capability of putting together such a crime and will likely start targeting every big company with demands (or copycats will) threatening executive level types.

Everyone laughs at their demands until something like this hits the news.



Oct 27, 2021
Apparently, he guy had numerous threats from clients about "lack of health care coverage".......
