She must’ve been hideous from a physical standpoint or annoying as f*** for a personality. How the hell do you not take that offer for at least a few years ? All you had to do was be real with her and say look this is not gonna last forever, but I will be with you for the foreseeable future. Wags I got to say missed opportunity buddy.
Haha. I definitely not hideous.
She was a hottie (to most).
Maybe a lil too wild for me & was never gonna fall in love with her or it would have already happened.
We had already been seeing each other for about 2 years when the money came into play I never even knew anything about it not happen.
She did buy me a brand new mustang GT convertible silver with black top and chrome rims LOL.
And I did live with her for a while and a fancy new house she bought.
But it just wasn't there...