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Older folks of bmr

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Oct 27, 2021
What's really considered old?

When you are 10 you think ppl 18 are old

When you are 18 you think 30 is old

When you are 30 you think 50 is old

And so on...
Its not an age.
I think old is is a mental state. When you think you're old, then you are old. If you don't think that way, then you're still young.

If I'm not mistaken KR has this philosophy.



Jul 25, 2022
I'd say money can help but by itself can not there's other pieces to the puzzle
Money does not buy happiness. It makes life easier in most aspects but definitely not happiness. I know people worth tens of millions and one worth hundreds of millions and they are the most miserable people I know. Definitely not happy people. I knew a guy last year worth 35 million that blew his head off. The times in my life when I am the happiest is when I had the least amount of money. After I hit BItcoin where I made the most money , I’ve been the most miserable , that still goes on currently.



Dec 11, 2021
Money does not buy happiness. It makes life easier in most aspects but definitely not happiness. I know people worth tens of millions and one worth hundreds of millions and they are the most miserable people I know. Definitely not happy people. I knew a guy last year worth 35 million that blew his head off. The times in my life when I am the happiest is when I had the least amount of money. After I hit BItcoin where I made the most money , I’ve been the most miserable , that still goes on currently.
You know why that is right? It’s because when people stop worrying about money, they start to worry about other things. It’s an endless cycle of self-worth & pride at that point for people with money. People that don’t have money don’t dwell on that because it’s irrelevant & have less resources & pride.



Oct 27, 2021
You know why that is right? It’s because when people stop worrying about money, they start to worry about other things. It’s an endless cycle of self-worth & pride at that point for people with money. People that don’t have money don’t dwell on that because it’s irrelevant & have less resources & pride.
This is very insightful and true.
People are always worried/stressed about "something" and its usually not something they can control.



Apr 10, 2018
I spent my youth chasing the all mighty dollar in the belief that my kids would get a better life. Private schools , horse riding lessons and camps. Looking back , the very best memories i have are the simple times. Sitting around a campfire and sharing stories and laughs with my kids. Time spent with family, and the ones you love , is everything. Since my accident last June , i have realized how short and precious life really is. Hug them every chance you get and never miss an opportunity to tell someone how much they mean to you. Just my 2 cents

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
Money does not buy happiness. It makes life easier in most aspects but definitely not happiness. I know people worth tens of millions and one worth hundreds of millions and they are the most miserable people I know. Definitely not happy people. I knew a guy last year worth 35 million that blew his head off. The times in my life when I am the happiest is when I had the least amount of money. After I hit BItcoin where I made the most money , I’ve been the most miserable , that still goes on currently.
You know why that is right? It’s because when people stop worrying about money, they start to worry about other things. It’s an endless cycle of self-worth & pride at that point for people with money. People that don’t have money don’t dwell on that because it’s irrelevant & have less resources & pride.
This is very insightful and true.
People are always worried/stressed about "something" and its usually not something they can control.
I spent my youth chasing the all mighty dollar in the belief that my kids would get a better life. Private schools , horse riding lessons and camps. Looking back , the very best memories i have are the simple times. Sitting around a campfire and sharing stories and laughs with my kids. Time spent with family, and the ones you love , is everything. Since my accident last June , i have realized how short and precious life really is. Hug them every chance you get and never miss an opportunity to tell someone how much they mean to you. Just my 2 cents
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful message, very inspiring.



Nov 2, 2021
Its not an age.
I think old is is a mental state. When you think you're old, then you are old. If you don't think that way, then you're still young.

If I'm not mistaken KR has this philosophy.
In my mind I'm still in my 20's early 20's but my body lets my know each and every day that was a long time ago.
Like a lot of people, I feel much older than I am, physically not mentally.



Nov 2, 2021
You know why that is right? It’s because when people stop worrying about money, they start to worry about other things. It’s an endless cycle of self-worth & pride at that point for people with money. People that don’t have money don’t dwell on that because it’s irrelevant & have less resources & pride.
Like Tanko said, very insightful, but I think this is just one aspect of a multifaceted mental change you would go through. On the flip side some people are happy in anything life gives them, the lemonade folks



Nov 11, 2021
I spent my youth chasing the all mighty dollar in the belief that my kids would get a better life. Private schools , horse riding lessons and camps. Looking back , the very best memories i have are the simple times. Sitting around a campfire and sharing stories and laughs with my kids. Time spent with family, and the ones you love , is everything. Since my accident last June , i have realized how short and precious life really is. Hug them every chance you get and never miss an opportunity to tell someone how much they mean to you. Just my 2 cents
Money doesn't make you you make money.



Apr 10, 2022
I have 2 things that I try to do in order to have a contented life:

1.) Service to others
One of the reasons I think rich people blow their brains out is because they never help others. It's in our nature to get a feeling of content when we help another human being. I try to compliment people on something I like about them like their hair or their watch or some other thing. I also get a feeling of contentment when I can make a difference in a coworkers life.

2.) Gratitude
This is one of the keys to happiness. It can be as simple as just taking inventory of all the things you have that you take for granted. Do you have a place to live? Do you have food whenever you need it? Do you have access to clean drinking water? Do you have clothes on your back. Did you have parents who cared for you growing up? Do you have other family you get together with? So many people in the world don't have all these things.
But it can also be taking inventory of bad things that haven't happened to you. Have you been free from having a stroke? Are you able to walk? Do you have two hands and arms that allow you to do basic living? IF we take inventory on what we have, we can have a sense of contentment.



Mar 6, 2018
Money does not buy happiness.
This is fact

When I was young I dated a girl who inherited $4.8 million

I liked her but she just wasn't it for me

I still remember it clear as day one day we're eating at a restaurant and she looks at me and asks "Why won't you just be with me? You won't have to work again"

Some guys back then told me I was crazy that they could put up with a lot for that kind of money

But you really don't understand unless you're put in