Usually not the case, I’d say 90% the time a FED gonna look the other way on some dirty duties in that line of work. There’s a code of silence they preach like a street gang or organized crime.
There are only 5 communist countries in the world . It is run by corruption and that will never change. Look at the places with all the casinos in Laos and Cambodia they are run by Chinese Mafia and the world knows it, it is out in the open, you can buy endangered animals, bears, tigers, live or dead, rhino horn etc, Chinese have bought SEZ special economic zones in those countries, they patrol them too, the police don't even care, the casinos are also unregulated and unlicensed, they are lawless places, anything goes to be honest, lots of murders etc, none are even investigated.... the amount of corruption in this part of the world is beyond what you can imagine, and you be be assured it will always be this way.