So you think stale bread and Welch's grape juice is actually the body and blood of Christ? It is ceremonial and there is nothing wrong with that but it doesn't save.
It is truly the Body of Christ.
Don't you believe Jesus Himself?
Was He feeding the Apostles Himself?
Were they cannabalizing Jesus at the Last Supper?
No. Of course not.
It was transformed through the Holy Spirit.
He didn't say this is my body metaphorically speaking did He?
He also made it very clear we must do this as part of being forgiven.
There isn't any way around this.
Protestants believe in reading a book, believing their own interpretation of it, and basically think they can forgive themselves.
Not how it works. At all.
Fact is Christ Himself left us an agency which He Hinself put in charge. That agency is the only thing on earth protecting us from Hell.
It is the Catholic Church. As such, He gave it full authority to act in His name, to set the rules.
Outside of it, there is no salvation. For anyone.