@flyingillini bc i would be worried about what happens when I sleep
@BobbyFK would be stealing commissary items to snack up all the time
@JDS would be solid room mate. Good conversations and loyal guy to protect if shit went down
@jjgold most likely to be shanked
@BigJay would be talking to me in thumbs up emojis and youtube videos. IDK how the real dialogue would do unless we were good behavior inmates that had access to phones and shit
@dougtushyterror would find ways to bets on inmate fights or checker games/chess games. Whoever is down to their final pawn at +10,000 odds dougie will through the bet on them
@Archie would be a great guy to work out with and do some yoga with. Help ease the mind
@phillyflyers most likely to get us beat up. every post is big bold big font typing. Why is he always screaming at us via text. He might be too loud for other inmates. However, I bet he can hold his own in a fight
@DiggityDaggityDo in the same category as Illini. I'd be worried about what happens when I'm sleeping. The horniness might get to Diggity after some time. Extra TP in that cell, gonna need lots of clean up
to name a few