Vitterd's record before the asinine post above. is below. He made a play for $40,000 (the amount he was down after 1,751 games). After the fortunate win, he had a minor run and then claimed to be a winning gambler.
January 1, 2022 through July 3, 2022: 602-616 (42,539)
Total record from December 2020 through July 3, 2022: 896-855 (40,160)
If this site's goal is to provide positive information for its members, please consider the following. Instead of congratulating members or saying, "great call", we should be saying wtf is this? No one should be following someone who posts this nonsense, and that person should take a long look at themself and consider the fact that some people may actually be following them. It is reckless and irresponsible for someone to make any post trying to erase dozens of games with one post. Kudos to the few that called bullshit and shame on the ones who went the junior high route and encouraged the behavior to continue.
Take your losses like a man and don't keep playing the due factor theory until it hits and then claim victory. It's weak and should be called as such. Some people may be following you, keep that in mind