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Today I called a Redneck the N word & shots were fired.

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Jul 11, 2024
Had the same thing happen to me at a recycling center. There was no one in the commercial bin area so I pulled in to throw three plastic items into a bin. All of the sudden some big shit kicker truck pulls up to my car like he was trying to block me in. Stares me down as he goes to another bin. Leads to an argument and eventually a wrestling match. No punches thrown but his fat wife kept yelling at me to let him go. Fucking fake tough guy blue collar guy got his ass handed to him by a guy who sends emails for a living.

Most of these guys who drive oversized trucks with loud mufflers are white trash dickheads.



Oct 20, 2021
You didn't really call the redneck the n word, you said he parked like a n word....big difference

If a couple of brothers were there, you may have been on the wrong end of a 2 on 3
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Jan 8, 2024
Yea -let’s start with the fact dipshit is pulling a trailer with a lifted truck. Any moron understands that the physics of lifting a truck up in the air to accommodate 35’s works completely against the ability of a truck to properly tow anything weighing more than a few hundred pounds. Of course he’s dining at the Golden Arches and driving a jacked up truck so we can assume his extensive education at Briggs&Stratton School of GED and small engine repair didn’t include a course in physics.

What in the hell does anyone feel they are accomplishing randomly shooting a shotgun - much less firing it into the air. Again - that whole physics thing - what goes up must come down. You shoot a couple thousand BBs into the air at once upward - they are going to come down- fast. Not really a smart idea to be standing where that rainstorm of metal starts falling.

Glad your fine - but yea I’d watch what you say to these morons as you never know whose carrying anymore. Seen way too much stupid shit happen on the roadways.

Actually funny as it reminded me of 35 years ago when I was chased by some drunken redneck in a classic misunderstanding and had the back window on my K-Car blown out by him (yea - I owned a K car AND outran someone). Short version - buddy calls me saying he needs help - he’s at this girls house and her dad just pulled in blocking his car. I swing by - he jumps onto the porch roof and then down to the ground and dives into my still moving car and we get away with Mr Redneck shaking his fist in disgust. Next day I see some jackass in an old truck riding my ass and then BOOM goes my back window. It’s dipshit who thinks it was ME with his daughter.

Normally I’d stop - explain and we’d have a good laugh at the classic mixup but I decided now may not have been the best time with his still having 7 more shells likely so I got moving. I actually met him a few years later and told him the real story and we did laugh - he was 2 years sober at that point and said yea - my daughter is a real whore.
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Dec 11, 2021
‘Rednecks’ are good ppl

Doing the work others won’t and can’t to keep the world spinning
I don’t have a problem with any groups of people until they act like assholes. I called him the N word, because I knew it would boil his blood because he most likely dislikes that group of people the most. Yes I’m assuming this and may be wrong.



Dec 11, 2021
Scary encounter, JDS.

That guy for sure knows what he did wrong, but hates other people especially strangers to point it out. It always hurts their egos.
About 20 feet over from where he was parked was an empty parking lot, if he had any consideration as a human being, he would’ve parked there plain and simple.



Dec 11, 2021
Yea -let’s start with the fact dipshit is pulling a trailer with a lifted truck. Any moron understands that the physics of lifting a truck up in the air to accommodate 35’s works completely against the ability of a truck to properly tow anything weighing more than a few hundred pounds. Of course he’s dining at the Golden Arches and driving a jacked up truck so we can assume his extensive education at Briggs&Stratton School of GED and small engine repair didn’t include a course in physics.

What in the hell does anyone feel they are accomplishing randomly shooting a shotgun - much less firing it into the air. Again - that whole physics thing - what goes up must come down. You shoot a couple thousand BBs into the air at once upward - they are going to come down- fast. Not really a smart idea to be standing where that rainstorm of metal starts falling.

Glad your fine - but yea I’d watch what you say to these morons as you never know whose carrying anymore. Seen way too much stupid shit happen on the roadways.

Actually funny as it reminded me of 35 years ago when I was chased by some drunken redneck in a classic misunderstanding and had the back window on my K-Car blown out by him (yea - I owned a K car AND outran someone). Short version - buddy calls me saying he needs help - he’s at this girls house and her dad just pulled in blocking his car. I swing by - he jumps onto the porch roof and then down to the ground and dives into my still moving car and we get away with Mr Redneck shaking his fist in disgust. Next day I see some jackass in an old truck riding my ass and then BOOM goes my back window. It’s dipshit who thinks it was ME with his daughter.

Normally I’d stop - explain and we’d have a good laugh at the classic mixup but I decided now may not have been the best time with his still having 7 more shells likely so I got moving. I actually met him a few years later and told him the real story and we did laugh - he was 2 years sober at that point and said yea - my daughter is a real whore.
Damn your story makes mine feel PG-13 rated lol that was a direct shot into your cabin.



Apr 10, 2018
If another Human Being is being an asshole , act appropriately. Why does a persons skin tone , religion , sexual preference etc have any bearing on it ?

This site validates all the above by not eliminating any and all Racism , Bigotry , Gender abuse and making degrading comments toward woman.

Phillyflyer fits all of the above and should have been banned by this site a long time ago. Encouraging and supporting these posts puts you and BMR in the same category imo



Dec 11, 2021
If another Human Being is being an asshole , act appropriately. Why does a persons skin tone , religion , sexual preference etc have any bearing on it ?

This site validates all the above by not eliminating any and all Racism , Bigotry , Gender abuse and making degrading comments toward woman.

Phillyflyer fits all of the above and should have been banned by this site a long time ago. Encouraging and supporting these posts puts you and BMR in the same category imo
He could’ve been Asian doesn’t matter. I’ll find the appropriate slur for you when you act like an inconsiderate piece of shit human being. The thing is I’m realizing that’s not the best way to go about it, and I need to slow my roll.



Jan 8, 2024
This site validates all the above by not eliminating any and all Racism , Bigotry , Gender abuse and making degrading comments toward woman.

Not that I disagree with most of the post - especially the sentiment that there are much more acceptable ways of calling out stupidity that don’t involve bringing race/nationality/religion/sexual orientation or gender into the conversation- but the problem with most people who drive a vehicle like this is simply you start using big fancy words towards them - they aren’t smart enough to realize they are being insulted and may mistakenly think you are complimenting their truck.

The forum didn’t originate hate speech and censoring it doesn’t make it go away - in fact just like saying your going to outlaw a weapon - it makes people irrationally believe they are correct in hanging on to it and further defending their “right” to hold on to it.

Just look at the idiots hanging on to the confederate battle flag. Somehow they have convinced themselves it’s a “tribute” to the side that last battle 150 years ago and riding around with one on the back of a truck that looks like what’s described here is “honoring” the South. Pretty sure if you brought some plantation owner to life from 150 years ago and showed them their flag flying outside of some dipshits mobile home proudly - they would be less than honored and would blame the North for what their country has became.

The forum is just a conduit of opinions. Yea we have quite a few who seem to struggle to grasp that this is a GAMBLiNG forum and not a white power rally - but it is what it is. Don’t like it you have 2 options - ignore it or keep fighting the good fight and try to educate these fools.

I will freely admit my views changed over 50 years - grow up in a redneck little burg where you never experience interacting with anyone who isn’t like you - it’s easy to fall into the trap set up by the mainstream media and believing the lies. Guess what - the same thing is occurring in predominantly black, Hispanic, Arab and gay media too. Point is when you start to educate the fools - attitudes eventually change and the noise is reduced. Why were racial issues much less between 1940-1960 - because the media didn’t focus on them. About the time Kennedy was killed the media realized how powerful and profitable news could be - and they needed to find a way to keep people tuning in. Just like a drug company - profits require you have engaged users and the easiest way to obtain those is make up a problem that people don’t know it existed.



Apr 10, 2018
He could’ve been Asian doesn’t matter. I’ll find the appropriate slur for you when you act like an inconsiderate piece of shit human being. The thing is I’m realizing that’s not the best way to go about it, and I need to slow my roll.
Call me whatever you want. We are 2 very different people and I have zero time for Racists , bigots etc

Shame on BMR for looking the other way



Dec 11, 2021
Call me whatever you want. We are 2 very different people and I have zero time for Racists , bigots etc

Shame on BMR for looking the other way
I guess you didn’t read much of my birthday thread because you would’ve seen the good side of me as a human being regarding my loved ones.



Dec 11, 2021
I’m also admitting in this thread the way I responded to his actions was wrong and I need to change that part of myself. So there’s that as well @Franz555 incase that message wasn’t clear in here.