Interested to see what this one pays - and just another reminder that not all of these are paying a few dollars.
For the average person - signing up is a 3 minute process tops. Sign up without proof for self and family members and you are getting 3-5x the payment for the time invested in signing up and creating a few free email addresses.
Makes it very easy to track what you sign up for too when you use a few freemails for signs ups too.
This one though has great potential for me given my job for a decade was working around cars and getting parts quotes. Every time I ordered a quote on a part and that quote number was used - it was on record with me as the purchaser. Obviously do that 5 times a day - 300 days a year it adds up over a decade - even if my quote was used only 1/3 of
the time.
All I know is it was a guaranteed $100 for all purchasers with no proof (and who hasn’t bought a part for their car - either at an auto parts store or via repairs at a shop) ? That’s $100 on each of those and my regular email - well, I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to claim that one on my taxes next year as it will definitely be above the 1k mark.