I wouldn’t change anything up right now with how you handicap or bet size. This is working & you are making money. Reevaluate your plan in the summer would be my advice.
Previous years my mind set is deposit and turn it into gold in 48 hours. I could never keep a bankroll longer than a week. Action on whatever is available and either turn 200 into 0 or 2500
rinse wash repeat.
Now i can have 1500 in my account and be ok betting $100 a game. I dont need a $500 bet to try and make a move. Because then i lose then tilt and then game over
honestly me typing it out consistenly and telling myself over and over helps keep me in check
sales tactic. Tell someone new information 1x and likely they forget at least 50%. Repeat it 4-5x and they retain 80%
More i talk to myself the better hahahahha