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Oct 27, 2021
A man and a woman who had never met before found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a trans-continental train. Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, him in the upper bunk and her in the lower.

At 1:00 a.m., the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying, "Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold."

"I have a better idea," she replied. "Just for tonight, let's pretend we're married."

"Wow! That's a great idea!" he exclaimed.

"Good," she replied. "Get your own fucking blanket."

After a moment of silence, he farted.



Dec 11, 2021
A man and a woman who had never met before found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on a trans-continental train. Though initially embarrassed and uneasy over sharing a room, they were both very tired and fell asleep quickly, him in the upper bunk and her in the lower.

At 1:00 a.m., the man leaned down and gently woke the woman saying, "Ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to reach into the closet to get me a second blanket? I'm awfully cold."

"I have a better idea," she replied. "Just for tonight, let's pretend we're married."

"Wow! That's a great idea!" he exclaimed.

"Good," she replied. "Get your own fucking blanket."

After a moment of silence, he farted.



Oct 27, 2021
Two altar boys were out fishing and one catches a fish and says, "Look at this big son-of-a-bitch I caught."
The other altar boy says, "He you going to hell talking like that."
The first altar boy says, "No. That's the name of this fish."
The second altar boys says, "OK. Lets talk all these son of a bitches up to the priest to show him."

They tell the priest, "Look at all these son of a bitches we caught."
The priest says, "I'll have you tossed from the church for talking like that."
The altar boys tell him, "Wait. That's the name of the fish."
Priest says, "Oh. OK. Lets take these son of a bitches to the nuns and have them cook them up."

The priest takes the fish to the nuns and says, "Cook these son of a bitches up for us."
The nun says, "I'm not cooking anything for you with a mouth like that."
The priest tells her, "That's the name of the fish."
Nun says, "Oh. OK. I'll get them cooked up."

That night, they are eating dinner and the pope shows up.
The altar boys say, "I'm glad we caught all these son of a bitches."
The priest says, "Yes. These are fine looking son of a bitches"
The nun then says, "These son of a bitches cooked up really nice."

The pope looks around dumbfounded and then cracks a grin and says, "You mother f#kers are alright. Now pass some of those f#k'n fish."
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Oct 27, 2021
An IRS agent is assigned to audit a hospital. The agent meets with the CEO of the hospital and asks a him few questions, trying to catch the CEO in tax violation.

IRS Agent asks,"You use a lot of bandages. What do you do with the leftover pieces on the rolls that are not used?"
CEO replies: "We send all the pieces back to the manufacturer and they send us a free box of bandages."
This upset the IRS agent since he did not trap the CEO as he intended.

IRS Agent asks,"You use a lot of plaster. What do you do with the leftover plaster not used?"
CEO replies: "We send it back to the manufacturer and they send us a free box."
The IRS agent is even more upset now and tries to get the CEO with one last question.

The IRS Agent asks,"What do you do with all the leftover foreskin from circumcisions."
The CEO replies: "We send them to the IRS and once a year they send us complete dick."
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Oct 27, 2021
Not sure if this one has been told but.....

A Nun gets into a cab and notices the driver continuously staring at her.
The Nun asks, "Why are you staring."
The Cab Driver says, "I've got a question to ask but it might be inappropriate."
The Nun replies, "That's ok. I am old enough to have heard just about everything. Go ahead and ask."
Cab Driver says, "I've always wanted to have a Nun perform oral sex on me."
The Nun pauses and says, "OK. Lets see what we can do about that. But, for this to happen you must not be married and you must be catholic."
The Cab Driver excitedly replies, "Yes to both".

Nun tells him to pull into the next alley.
The Cab Driver pulls over and the Nun does the deed.

Afterwards, the Cab Driver is driving down the road and starts crying.
The Nun asks "Whats wrong my son."
Cab Driver replies, "I've sinned. I lied. I am married and I'm Jewish."

The Nun says, "Don't worry. My name is Kevin and I'm on my way to a halloween party."



Oct 27, 2021
A mother was in the kitchen while her 5 yo was playing with a train set in the living room.

The mother hears the boy say "Train stop. All you sons-a-bitches who want off get the hell off cause this is the last stop and all of you bastards who are getting on, get your ass in the train cause we going down the tracks."

The mother, horrified by her son's language runs into the living room and tells him, "We don't talk like that in this house. Go to your room for 2 hours and think about what you've said. After 2 hours you can come back out and play some more."

The boy goes to his room and comes back out 2 horus later and plays with his train again. The mother is listening closely and hears him say, "All passengers who are disembarking the train thank you for traveling with us today. For those of you boarding, please stow you luggage under your seat. Thank you."

The mother is in the kitchen smiling, feeling proud of herself havnig taught the boy to speak properly. Just as she was about to enter the living room she hears the boy say, "And for those of you pissed off about the 2 hour delay, pleaes see the bitch in the kitchen."



Oct 27, 2021
Two deaf people get married and after a couple weeks they realize that when they go to bed and the lights are out, they have a hard time communicating.

So the woman, talks to her husband the next day to set up signs between each other so that they know when each other wants to have sex at night.

The woman tells the man, if you want to have sex with me, reach over and touch my right breast. If you don't want to have sex with me, reach over and touch my left breast. He thinks about it a minute and says OK.

The man then tells the woman, if you want to have sex with me, reach over and pull on my pecker once. If you don't want to have sex with me, reach over and pull on my pecker 50 times.



Oct 27, 2021
A hot looking young woman goes to the grocery store to shop. She's in the canned vegetables aisle and an old man stops her and asks, "What's the difference between a Garbanzo Bean and Chickpea?"

The lady says, "I have no idea."
The old man says, "Well, let me tell you.... I wouldn't pay $50 to have a Garbanzo bean on my face."

Someone stop me. Please ban me from this thread. I can't stop myself. :banghead:

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
"A husband and wife are watching TV at home. The husband keeps switching channels, between golf and porn. Golf to porn, golf to porn, golf to porn. This goes on for awhile, before the wife had enough and yells ,"Jesus Christ! Just leave it on porn! You already know how to play golf!"



Jul 13, 2022
"A husband and wife are watching TV at home. The husband keeps switching channels, between golf and porn. Golf to porn, golf to porn, golf to porn. This goes on for awhile, before the wife had enough and yells ,"Jesus Christ! Just leave it on porn! You already know how to play golf!"
Haha, classic! Guess he really needed some practice in both areas. 😂



Jul 13, 2022
A million dollars to me, a penny for you.

I heard about this young man and one day he was talking to God, he said, “God what’s a million years to you?” God said, “A million years to me is like one second to you.” He said, “Well, God what’s a million dollars like to you?” God said, “A million dollars to me is like one penny to you.” He thought about it a moment and said, “God, will you give me a penny?” God said, “Sure, just a second. :p:p



Jul 13, 2022

Having an Extreme Beauty Make Over

I heard about this middle aged woman. She had a heart attack. On the operating table, she asked God if this was it. God said, “No, you have forty more years.” Upon recovery, she decided to stay in the hospital, have a face lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and extreme makeover. Two months later as she was leaving the hospital, she was hit by a car and killed. She got to heaven and said, “God, I don’t understand it. I thought you said I still had forty more years.” God said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t recognize you. 😂



Jul 13, 2022
The Secret to a Long Happy Life

I heard about this lady, everyday, she saw this little old man sitting on his front porch rocking in his rocking chair. He always seemed to be so happy. One day, she got her nerve up and went over to him, said, “Sir, I can’t help but notice you’re always smiling, always in a good mood. Please tell me, what is your secret for such a long, happy life?” He said, “That’s easy! I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, I eat nothing but junk food, and I never exercise.” She said, “That’s amazing, how old are you?” He said, “Twenty-six. 😂