Germany is a region populated by its natural inhabitants. Israel is a region occupied by people not native to the region. It demise was certain when it was created. The Middle East will fight for it for 1000 years. Israel is dependent on US white christians. The Biden-Trump-Bush generation love Israel more than they love the US. Younger generations do not give a damn about it. They are not going to support it.
This is really about the gas that is offshore of Gaza so the US may hold it for that for a time. But they have 20 years before it all starts to circle the drain.
I understand that the world is changing, but by what mechanism does Israel cease to exist? Do you see the Israelis as packing up and moving elsewhere?
I even understand the longer game of what you're saying, but still how does that lead to the end of Israel and not, possibly the expansion of Israel?
Who will invade Israel and change the government? Do you see political parties with guns (Iran's allies) doing it?