Pretty wise words here.
Me hitting all 630 reps will be more impressive when there is more weight added. I'm right at that line of bumping up weight again.
Bumping weight, twice in one week for the back and shoulders circuit. +5 pounds yesterday, back again this morning adding 5 more pounds to that.
Going back for the chest and tri's circuit later, a double day. Added weight Tuesday for chest and tri's, not adding again today.
I was a little light on some of the back and shoulder work, to prevent injury. Now I'm stronger and ready for more weight.
Taking BCAA's and electrolytes for recovery. I need help in that area.
Eating like a fukking gotdamn machine.
Never forget...
Never force it remember it is not what you can do it is what you can recover from.
I learned a hard lesson this week as it took 3 days to recover from an hour on the elliptical last Monday.
I be like...