Timor-Leste Tops Press Freedom Index in Southeast Asia for 2024!
Based on the annual index data from RSF (Reporters without Borders) compiling the World Press Freedom Index 2024 by comparing the level of freedom enjoyed by journalists and media in 180 countries and territories. The definition of press freedom used by RSF and its expert panel in compiling the Index is the ability of journalists as individuals and collectives to choose, produce, and disseminate news for the public interest, regardless of political, economic, legal, and social interference, as well as the absence of threats to their physical and mental safety.
According to this definition, the questionnaire and map of press freedom are divided into five different categories or indicators (political context, legal framework, economic context, socio-cultural context, and security).
Norway is the country with the highest index score of 91.89 and falls into the “good” situation. From Southeast Asia, Timor-Leste emerges as the best, ranking 20th with a score of 78.92 and a “Satisfactory” situation, while Vietnam is the country with the lowest press freedom in Southeast Asia with a score of 22.31 and a “very serious” situation.
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