Some really hot stewardesses today. I only fly Singapore air for the solo seat. It’s faster to go through Taipei , South Korea or Japan but I rather the comfort. Food is good.
@quantumleap i just showed the girl I’m flirting with your picture with the stewardess. She laughed and then I said well I need one with you. I told her I want her to come visit me in Việt Nam .
Im trying my best to get her info. It’s not happening though. She told me she’s married. But they asked me to leave a great review for her and her crew. I’ll post it.
I’ve flown all of the airlines in this part of the world. You can’t beat Việtjet airlines. By far they win but Korean air comes in 2nd then China Southern then China air then Singapore.
They gave me these two things. Not sure what’s inside and some other stuff I put in my bag. They all love my review. All are happy. Especially the one girl. Haha. I gave her my Facebook and said Việt Nam or Sản Francisco or anywhere she wants to go consider it done. I told her to look me up. She took the piece of paper , you never know !!!