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Nov 26, 2021
This kind of backs up what we were told my city & county admin in that area

there is no conspiracy theory here as with the rest of this crap. local government asked for the majority of publicly available loads of that kind to be delayed from being posted because so many of the roads and bridges in the disaster areas have been compromised. large trucks only do more damage to available roads making it harder for FEMA and the National Guard to get around.

local government and FEMA are working together to get more areas secured and more infrastructure in place to accommodate the extra loads that need to be brought in and when that is secured then the flow will once again begin and everyone is welcome to help.



Nov 26, 2021
I think at this point there are far too many reports of deliberate shady stuff going on in NC

I also don’t really see a reason local city & govt officials who confirm some of the stories to be true, would lie about such things, only to be proven as liars after the fact and it jeopardize their jobs &.careers

I work in govt and many times have helped work with FEMA and getting them required documentation for specific reimbursements

We are still working with them from Hurricane Ian

Without a doubt they have rejected, still turning down, and skimping on many more claims than in the past

This was going on before this latest hurricane Helene so maybe funding was already tightening up whether it be from sending money overseas or some other reasons

the problem here is that there is very little proof of actual local officials confirming any of this there are posts and rumors claiming this but little proof. sure a mayor or two have asked for this and that and for clarity on certain things.

but governors from almost every state have confirmed so much of this is baseless rumors and lies and are asking people on social media to stop it.

there are hiccups sure that can't be helped sadly but overall FEMA, National Guard, or Red Cross are not anywhere trying to steal, reject, or otherwise hinder people's ability to get aid.



Nov 11, 2021
One of the biggest tragedies of the storm's aftermath is so many people on social media passing along rumors, misinformation, and just outright lies trying to make FEMA out to be the bad guys.

Things like they are stopping aid, stealing donations, and or trying to steal people's land, etc. And the majority of people doing this don't even live in an affected area. They just heard a rumor and started parroting it around looking for clicks and to cause problems.

If you were ever in a real disaster area you know none of this to be true. FEMA is not the enemy not even close for the most part these are some of the nicest and most generous people u can meet. they put their own lives on the line to help everyone around them. they don't ask what political party you agree with, care what color u are, or give a damn about anything else but helping you get the support u need.

Are there likely some bad apples sure we're talking about thousands of people and there are times when things get miscommunicated and everything doesn't flow smoothly because logistics for disasters of this size are crazy and not everything can go perfectly. But for the most part, these people want to help and they are extremely happy to see others come in to help as well but they also want to keep everyone safe so there is an order to follow and a protocol in place.

I get that everyone always wants their own situation to be handled as quickly as possible and their own suffering ended, it's human nature, and when that doesn't happen quickly enough it can be extremely frustrating and emotional. But they are working hard and really do want to help everyone involved.
The govt never helps anybody they are the most incompetent, least efficient, and low IQ people on the face of the earth just give money and get the fukk out of the way.



Nov 1, 2021
First off Kamala or Biden didn't give $750 to anyone that is what was allowed by Fema policy which they have nothing to do with, Congress does that.

Biden nor Harris can send billions to Ukraine or anywhere else. Only congress can approve that money to be sent and well a Republican-led congress voted yes to have that money sent.

There is plenty of aid on the ground and governors from both repub and dem states thanked Biden for getting them what they needed quickly as he approved all aid that has been requested before the storm actually hit.

To date, not a single dollar of disaster relief funding has been used on illegal immigrants. those are two completely separate funding sources and programs under a single umbrella.

Just think we need to get some facts in with all the lies and wild conspiracy theories being tossed around all over online.
Are you sure?

Presidential drawdown authority....



Nov 26, 2021
Are you sure?

Presidential drawdown authority....

that is extremely limited and is seldom if ever used.

the money sent to Ukraine, Isreal, etc was all voted on and passed by a Republican congress cmon u can read 3 minutes and prove this.

the 750 is fema policy and that can only be changed by Congress. Again congress holds the purse strings its always been this way.



Nov 26, 2021
Is Elon spreading fake news?

If not then WTF is going on?

View attachment 43751

I am not sure how Elon and people like him can sleep at night after doing what he is doing trying to make Fema the enemy of the people.

When Katrina hit down here it was so devastating. Fema came in and worked with our locals and extensively with the Cajun Navy (both my dad and 2 brothers are part of that group)

they are not confiscating nor turning away aid believe me they want all the help they can get. what people don't understand is that along with the National Guard, they are on the ground to coordinate efforts. They have live intel on what supplies are needed and what areas need most of certain things. So much stuff comes in all kinds of supplies.

One area may have been overrun with water or blankets etc so when water comes into that area it needs to be redistributed to a different area that needs it more. This is what they do they aren't stealing anything they are doing their jobs.

They also aren't turning away help but people have to realize it's a disaster area many parts of it are unsafe travel wise so they stop civil aid from entering these areas solo all willy nilly. Letting people in prematurely could hinder the ability of the Guard etc to get around. As soon as the National Guard clears different areas everyone is allowed in civil aid and all. they are not turning away aid they simply don't want even more people in unsafe areas.

Elon made a big deal of a helicopter with some Starlink equip not being allowed to land well he never said it was because it was an unsecured area. And he of course never told the rest of the story either that it landed with help from Fema a couple of miles away got unloaded and all units dispersed (there was a whole news crew there w/ pics to prove it) so yeah, for the most part, he keeps passing along half-truths and bullshit.

Is Fema perfect no def not but they are not the enemy of the people not by any means. Are some people who work for Fema assholes probably, could some people who work for Fema be doing shit they are not supposed to sure but it's certainly not widespread.

If some asshole is mishandling situations then he should be reported to a local sheriff they still have a lot of sway and influence in these areas and the worthless sob needs to be tossed under a jail.

But to make people believe Fema is there to hurt them or not allow them the aid they need is stopping poor innocent people from getting help they desperately need and is unacceptable to me.

Sorry this is such a long post but I've been involved in so many Hurricanes and have seen so many people suffer over the years I am passionate about it and passionate about making sure people get help ASAP. I know how bad this can be