One of the biggest tragedies of the storm's aftermath is so many people on social media passing along rumors, misinformation, and just outright lies trying to make FEMA out to be the bad guys.
Things like they are stopping aid, stealing donations, and or trying to steal people's land, etc. And the majority of people doing this don't even live in an affected area. They just heard a rumor and started parroting it around looking for clicks and to cause problems.
If you were ever in a real disaster area you know none of this to be true. FEMA is not the enemy not even close for the most part these are some of the nicest and most generous people u can meet. they put their own lives on the line to help everyone around them. they don't ask what political party you agree with, care what color u are, or give a damn about anything else but helping you get the support u need.
Are there likely some bad apples sure we're talking about thousands of people and there are times when things get miscommunicated and everything doesn't flow smoothly because logistics for disasters of this size are crazy and not everything can go perfectly. But for the most part, these people want to help and they are extremely happy to see others come in to help as well but they also want to keep everyone safe so there is an order to follow and a protocol in place.
I get that everyone always wants their own situation to be handled as quickly as possible and their own suffering ended, it's human nature, and when that doesn't happen quickly enough it can be extremely frustrating and emotional. But they are working hard and really do want to help everyone involved.