Yeah as a father myself I can get a very good sense you are definitely involved in your daughters life & are a very positive role model as her loving dad regardless how often you use cannabis for medicinal purposes.
I mentioned in Fly Me that I b got on the board of an education foundation at my son's high school, I'm the treasurer. So that's the lates ongoing project. That will last all 4 years. They are trying to bounce back from COVID still and my main role is going to be fundraising out there in the community. I make the budget, now I have to go gather that money we're going to
Going to play a big role in the high school's Science Olympiad team next year too. I'm going to help the coach help the students not only dominate this regional competition, but try to get them up there in the State competition. I'll be a volunteer parent assistant coach but I have some things to bring to the table.
When I was in high school we went to the national science olympiad 3 of the 4 years I was there, representing California. It takes a certain level or organization and prep and I offered to the coach my help in getting them there.
He was receptive.
Those are the biggest things on my plate as far as being involved in the school and directly with my son's experience as well.
Being on the Board of the education foundation is sure to bring a shit ton of involvment all over the place as well. We're starting to get known and my phone blows up now and
For now it's almost summeritme, and we're going to enjoy some time off from the madness.
A lot going in the market right now, moments before mlb goes off and half our before Boston Philly.
So I gotta go.