Yeah as a father myself I can get a very good sense you are definitely involved in your daughters life & are a very positive role model as her loving dad regardless how often you use cannabis for medicinal purposes.
Yeah, my son is a smart one too. The genes are there, my family loaded with smart achievers.
We also got lucky. There is a whole spectrum out there of parents and kids. Some parents have to fight every morning to get their kids out of bed for anthing, including school.
We were on the exact opposite of that spectrum and our kids loved to read early, and always loved school. In early school, they were reading to learn while all the other kids were still learning to read.
I was involved then too. I was a actually nominated by the the early childhood county director to be the State of California early childhood development parent of the year.
I didn't win though.
I used to give speeches to parent groups on the importance of their involvement, how to be involved, etc. A lot of it was research based.
The county loved me back then, lol. I did a lot for them on a volunteer basis.