Lots of vids of pets roaming around the fires and aftermath
Hopefully those ppl who knowingly left them behind had multiple properties burn down instead of just one
I know we want to judge, but I maintain neither you nor I, and I'm a lot closer to the action than you, can possibly comprehend just what has happened this week and just what everyone has gone through.
Just as you sound like they left pets behind out of cruelty, it's just as equal that those pet owners loved their pets and what we are seeing is just how bad it got that some of pets are now roaming.
I can remember a fireman last summer telling me about a fire he was fighting in the foothills. Some pets panicked and ran away in the midst of the fire. People had to evacuate NOW, and couldn't even find their pets.
I have to think for every pet out there you see, there are a number of owners that did everything they could to save their pets, but some could do nothing.
It's sad, but unfair to pass judgement at this stage.
It's just not right. You think you feel emotions for the pets and the owners, how do you think some of those pet owners feel when they left without their family member?
Anger isn't needed here, and neither is sympathy, although some sympathy is warranted.
It's empathy you need here, and a lack of it could indicate antisocial behavior.
Wags, are you on the spectrum?