Still hard to fathom Ichiro’s career stats not starting his MLB run until age 27
4,367 hits combined leagues
Great player - but how many guys served in WW2 and missed 3+ complete seasons.
Take Ichiro and say he started at a more “traditional” age like 23 - what do those stats look like ? 4k hits still would be a stretch with 4 full extra seasons - batting average maybe a tic higher.
He wouldn’t be the greatest of all time - just very very good a singles hitter in the steroid era.
I do like that he called out the lone dissenting voter. I’d like to hear from them myself as to why they felt he wasn’t worth of HOF. Is it because so many before who were clear HOF material and they felt it was an insult to let someone else get in unopposed - did they do it out of protest for steroid guys not getting in or just a bitter traditional media personality who is mad no one buys newspapers anymore ?