One time only as a senior in high school. Most informed it was psilocybin and to ingest with bread and don't trip alone. Dropped and went cruising in the back of a van along a popular blvd in east L.A.
Half hour later we stopped and entered a liguor store. All of the sudden the store gondola began lifting off the floor, the ground began to roll as if I was traveling over hills and valleys as I walked. The store fixtures began to rotate all around and over my head. I couldn't move and my pals had to guide me out of the store.
I had totally lost my sense of this reality for about 15 minutes. I did not enjoy that feeling. Back in the van I aquired some sense of where I was. Emotional I became happy and laughted alot loving life. My friends dropped me off after a couple of hours. I listened to music alone in my room for 1 1/2 days unable to sleep. Finally I was able to rest and sleep for quite a while. I missed school for two days. Some of my friends had concerns about me. Others just laughted expressing it was just a bad trip.
One and done. I won't regret the experience yet have never had any desire to repeat. Of those I've spoken to over the years, most like mushing. However the dangers are real and I would advice against.