My SBR betpoints log is available for anyone to look at. I demonstrably knew of problems at least 36 hours before they were reported. I had, (and still do have), 12,000+ betpoints that were worthless to me but that were potentially worth $700+ to someone else. If I had wanted to screw SBR I could and would have done it...and no-one else would have known. My account was reinstated, (with betpoints), when SBR looked at the evidence. SBR knows what happened, who did what, and what was said. I'm not fussed what happens to my account(s) here or at SBR. What I was annoyed about was having my, (at that time sole), SBR account deactivated for 5 weeks because of a system error and not being able to contact anyone. Those deactivation and dead contact link problems still exist.