Absolutely you have it or you don't
People say you can get better at sports with practice
That's true to an extent
But one thing you cannot teach or learn, is speed and/or quickness
I also believe when it comes to accuracy in Quarterbacks, pitching, etc., you cannot teach either, although some argue otherwise
im very athletic, i can participate and hold my own in any sport.
I can throw a baseball....but not 90MPH
I can throw a football and accurate as well....but not 50 yards down field into double coverage with a 300 pound lineman coming at me
I can kick a soccer ball and played indoor soccer until a few years ago....but I don't have the spin ability or feet quickness
I can ice skate, but I can't stop or skate backwards hahahahaha
I can throw darts, but I can't hit triple 20 and bullseye consistently without thinking about it
I can hit a tennis ball, but I can't serve 120 MPH
i can swim, but not fast
and so on and so on.