Dude, wtf....
so much for cage free chickens, no animal abuse etc.
holy fuk, the cow is sacred in parts of the world... just like a elephants, horses, sheep.
They're fkking HERBIVORES man....!! Non - aggressive creatures. and we only take from them.
This is a 1 sided transaction.
Just like from the bees.
IF this was 18, 000 ppl burned alive... (esp. from a 1st world country) the whole world would riot.
Those screams (if real captured from that distance) , r going to scar me rest of my life ...
so much for cage free chickens, no animal abuse etc.
holy fuk, the cow is sacred in parts of the world... just like a elephants, horses, sheep.
They're fkking HERBIVORES man....!! Non - aggressive creatures. and we only take from them.
This is a 1 sided transaction.
Just like from the bees.
IF this was 18, 000 ppl burned alive... (esp. from a 1st world country) the whole world would riot.
Those screams (if real captured from that distance) , r going to scar me rest of my life ...