this is in my head every moment of every day man.
this is part of why i try to emphasize having fun and doing things that make you happy in life cause life will go by in a blink of an eye
im sure others feel that way too about their 20s or 30s etc. too.
just think about all the ppl in the world who work 80% of their awake time....
sleep feels like 20 mins when u wake up.
they're doing it PURELY for the sake of $. not necessarily that they enjoy it, but becuz they HAVE to.
like menial jobs... i'm sure nobody likes loading/ driving trucks, being a cash register/ pushing carts or being stock up guy. etc. etc.
and not even owning the bussiness.
i realized this late... one should do what they truly enjoy doing.
one would then spontaneously wake up... never hit the snooze button and just do it.
the longer one does that, they naturally become good at it. and if one is good at it. they can get paid for it. now ur getting paid for basically doing something that u were going to do / love to do anyway.
i think thats the best way to live ... job wise atleast.
it shouldnt even be considered a job, as in an assignment.. should be a vocation/ hobby.