that's why they are all still friends with me.
i go golfing with her brother, i'm in her family fantasy football league, i still get random gifts a couple times a year
if we were still together, i would have a 16 year old daughter as well right now. CRAZY!!!! She messaged me last week talking about cars for herself. wild
My ex-wife was a narcissist habitual liar, who committed adultery multiple times in my marriage, and she somehow painted the picture to her family that I was the bad guy in the relationship LMFAO. Needless to say, I don’t talk to her family anymore because of it.
No, I never cheated on her once. The reason why the marriage did not work, was because I could not give her what she wanted. She wanted to be a stay at home mom. I was never able to make enough money especially living in South Florida to provide that for her. She always had to at least have a part-time job while we were married.
She resented me for that because she hated her job and did not wanna work for a living. She just wanted to be a homemaker and a mom. I believe you call that “conditional” love. The guy she’s with now offers her to be a stay at home mom, but here’s the catch he’s a 300 pound balding man. So she has to live with that fat slob on top of her during intimacy.