Indeed when the SBR stooges rattard and jtroller/lang are both on the same play like they both were on BUF today there can be only one result and that is a FADE WINNER - MAY THE WEEKEND FADE PARADE BE WITH YOU
As it turned out SBR stooge ratturd also bought IOWA and when fellow SBR stooge brothers born from same mother but having different fathers ratturd and jtroller/lang are both betting on the same team EVERYONE KNOWS THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE RESULT WHICH IS THE OTHER TEAM COVERING AND THAT HAPPENED AGAIN TONIGHT AS WELL JUST IN TIME FOR THE WEEKLY WEEKEND FADE PARADE - MAY THE FADE BE WITH YOU
SBR stooge ratturd followed jtroller/lang on KC and when both SBR stooges ratturd and jtroller/lang pick the same team THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE POSSIBLE RESULT WHICH IS THE OTHER TEAM WINNING - THE WEEKEND FADE PARADE CONTINUES ON STRONG MAY THE FADE BE WITH YOU