1. Hulk Hogan
2 Ric Flair
3 Andre the Giant
4 harley race
5 lou thesz
6 bruno sammartino
7 stone cold steve austin
8 the rock
9 the undertaker
10 randy savage
11 hhh
12 john cena
13 shawn michaels
14 jerry lawler
15 kurt angle
16 roman rheigns
17 ray mesterio jr
18 antonio inoki
19 nick bockwinkle
20 bret hart
21brock lesnar
22 randy orton
23 verne gagne
24 terry funk
25 dusty rhodes
Wow Ultimate Warrior gets no respect.
He beat a prime Hogan, Andrew, Undertaker, Flair, Savage, HHH.
The first wrestler to exceed Hulkamania in popularity.
Changed wrestling forever with an uncountable number of firsts. Combined with an electric personality.