I mean it's not my theory, it's been written about quite a bit. but yeah 6 recent brain cancer deaths among former phillies is odd. maybe something with the adhesive or chemicals used to apply the turf to the concrete.
the Flyers recently were sued for having chemicals involved with the zamboni that caused cancer oddly enough.
weird world
I could see this.... the ball is always touching the turf, then u touch the ball then its (chemicals) are on you.
You stand out there in the scorching sun all summer breathing it in.
The odds are pretty good that these guys ingested some type of cancer causing carcinogen that was activated by sun or heat (hence mlb not nfl) and overtime it exceeded a toleranle level of their respective bodies ability to cleanse or filter.
3M in Minny here is ALWAYS paying out locally for EPA violations on stuff they experimented on in the 70s & 80s then let slide into a laje or incinerated because it's toxic levels were misleading.
In fact I think they got hit this week again. Guaranteed 3M has a chemical or 2 in that Vet Stadium rug.