Yes, sounds normal to me, JDS.
My friend once explained to me why we hate listening to our voice, but this is my first time to search for it. Check this out:
Kittens are born with loose skin on the back of their neck called scruff. Scruffing a cat refers to grabbing a cat by their scruff. It's commonly used by cat moms as a way to pick up their kittens or during mating, and should never be replicated by cat owners.
"As it turns out, there's a scientific reason behind this reaction.
Bhatt explained that the dislike of the sound of our own voices is physiological and psychological. First off, audio recordings translate differently to your brain than the sound you are used to when speaking. The sound from an audio device goes through the air and then in your ear (also known as air conduction). In turn, the sound energy impacts the ear drum and bones. From there, your ear bones transmit the sound vibrations to your cochlea. He noted that this triggers your nerve axons that will signal sound to your brain."