It's just facts.
I sat around in 2020 and watched my city literally burn to the fukking ground because a strung out, kidnapping, felon OD'd while a white cop half his size had to detain him.
The world is a better place when black criminals are BEHIND BARS.
It's that simple...and has been since colonial times.
EVERY major national issue and spending program since the Morral tarifs has centered around what to do w the black community...seriously, look at the political platform in each election cycle going back to the Missouri Compromise, thru Lincoln, thru reconstruction, suffrage, Jim Crow, Great Society, Qoutas in college, affirmative action, minority lending FDIC covered, thru modern judicial reform and the decriminalization of low class drugs / end of stop/ frisk or police intervention for loitering thru expired tabs.
It's absolutely insane....the stats don't lie.