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Setting the record straight from an SBR post

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Dec 11, 2021
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You have made millions doing this. Send me some money for sending your message over there. That’s the least you can do.



Dec 19, 2021
You will do just fine without SBR. You have not lost any money by then banning you. You are a winning gambler (per your posts) and you can and will still be a winning gambler.
Like I said, I do not send any strangers from the internet and money for anything.
Go to the games. Do it yourself. You can do it!



Dec 11, 2021
Also, I'm old-school. I haven't used bitcoin since 2017.
No need to anymore with PAPSA being overturned in 2018.
You will do just fine without SBR. You have not lost any money by then banning you. You are a winning gambler (per your posts) and you can and will still be a winning gambler.
Like I said, I do not send any strangers from the internet and money for anything.
Go to the games. Do it yourself. You can do it!
F U C K YOU cawksucker !!!! Good bye you’re DEAD TO ME !!!!



Dec 19, 2021
Yes, Shari and Optional are different people. I think they are both from Australia, correct.
They took the post down because they knew they were in the wrong.
And they can't admit they lied, or it will tarnish their reputation even further.
Absolute cowards. And liars.
They haven't posted one bit of evidence from the PM's, and neither did the guy who said I "PM'd two different people, soliciting them for money."
Those losers can have each other and their "jjgold" and "EddyMuny" posting the most racist things imaginable. They actually TOLERATE OPEN RACISM. That and lying by the mods is all you need to know about trash SBR.
You try to help fellow posters and they lie and ban people.
Good riddance.

Bettor Days

Bettor Days

Jun 12, 2021
Why did BMR take down posts from that crazy lady? It is good example why they always say Australia people all are like assholes.
Sir (as you like to call people) you are exactly correct.
Every Australian I have seen, heard, or met, has been a complete bitch or jerk.
It makes sense though search how Australia was formed and the type of people in it's upcoming.
Shari at SBR has always had to act tough to help make up for her low self esteem.
A moderator at a forum thinking she's hot shit is hilarious. (No offense to mods here)
She has never done her job at SBR either she was supposed to be working night shift while all other mods were asleep in other parts of the world and she thinks everyone is stupid and couldn't see that she wouldn't even check in 1-3 days at all. From what I understand they were watching her and she didn't even know it but many SBR posters did bahaha.
She has been stealing from Sbr owners for years getting a free paycheck.
Everything adds up what everyone says that they don't moderate correctly at SBR and punish the wrong posters.
It's because they don't do their job and are too lazy to do research on anything. Not to mention not very bright.
SBR is a shit hole after all the good staff left there.
I miss some of my fellow posters there but hopefully they will wisen up and stop supporting dictatorship and come join us here.



Dec 19, 2021
146 was SHARI HERSELF, using a fake name here, to post MORE LIES about the PM's. They are in full "defense mode" now.
Optional also chimed in yet is STILL LYING to all members.
Neither one of them has yet to post the "suspect PM's" and they 100% WON'T!
They know they will be OUTED if they do.
And it was the same guy in this thread, the p===y "beat the jerk" (jdexpress) who was exposed for crying to the mods there. This guy has more ups and down than the Cyclone at Coney Island.
Go cry again to the mods, I see your ban will expire in seven days.
Hey, jdexpress (beat the jerk) POST the PM's where I tried to solicit you for $1000!
Oh, that's can't, because there isn't any!
We never PM'd each other at all!
You deserve that shipping ship over there.



Dec 19, 2021
Sir (as you like to call people) you are exactly correct.
Every Australian I have seen, heard, or met, has been a complete bitch or jerk.
It makes sense though search how Australia was formed and the type of people in it's upcoming.
Shari at SBR has always had to act tough to help make up for her low self esteem.
A moderator at a forum thinking she's hot shit is hilarious. (No offense to mods here)
She has never done her job at SBR either she was supposed to be working night shift while all other mods were asleep in other parts of the world and she thinks everyone is stupid and couldn't see that she wouldn't even check in 1-3 days at all. From what I understand they were watching her and she didn't even know it but many SBR posters did bahaha.
She has been stealing from Sbr owners for years getting a free paycheck.
Everything adds up what everyone says that they don't moderate correctly at SBR and punish the wrong posters.
It's because they don't do their job and are too lazy to do research on anything. Not to mention not very bright.
SBR is a shit hole after all the good staff left there.
I miss some of my fellow posters there but hopefully they will wisen up and stop supporting dictatorship and come join us here.
100% correct. They are AWFUL at their jobs, and, evem worse, liars. Still haven't posted any PM's; because they can't produce them.
Smart posters are turning on them.
The blind sheep still follow.



Dec 19, 2021
The only guy who "gets it" over there is d2bets. And maybe KVB.
d2bets...if you read this, did I ever ask you for anything? Did I promise to make you filthy rich or anything remotely like that?
Of course not.
Optimal and Shari are LYING to the forum because of my success doing this.
If you're on here d2, send me a PM.
They say I am trying to get "customers." LOL.
What customers? I use my family's accounts to place wagers...that's it! If my wife and daughter are my customers, then what do they care?
Optimal is suck a hypocrite...he PRAISES the YouTube video of the syndicate in Colorado who pays people money to open accounts in their name! Then, when I do it for my own family ONLY, who goes nuts!
You CAN'T, because it didn't happen!

The fact that they won't/can't do this speaks volumes.




Dec 19, 2021


This is VERBATIM the same PM's this "no vowel guy" sent to me! Europe? Asia? I know NOTHING about this stuff.

In the PM's, at first I sort of believed he could help with a book I had no access too.He asked me to download some sort of "chat app." Then I gave him my phone number to see what he was all about, and he was WAY TOO PUSHY. And, I didn't believe him. He just wanted to steal $1000 from me. I blocked his cell number. It was from Toronto.

Enjoy Captrobey's post below.
And REMEMBER, ask him which screen name he received these messages from. They certainly weren't from me, False Start. I received the SAME ONES. This guy from Toronto saw Captro had a serious interest in my past-posting, and he must have PM'd him because of it.

Why would I need $1000 when I can make that off of one NHL goal?

My goal with this whole thing was to HELP other posters make money ON THEIR OWN! My days are coming to an end, and I genuinely want to help others.

All I have to say is "No good deed goes unpunished."

I kept this past-posting thing to myself for SIX YEARS. The ONLY reason why I shared it was because it will soon come to an end for me, as books limit or boot me. So why not share? It's my nature to share and help people, with NOTHING in return.

Here is his post:

There were a bunch this was the first

Hi I beat the books by beating their delay all the time. If this is something you are interested in let me know.

Then This

I am a professional and help others do it all the time. I can help you. In Europe and Asia it is very easy to do it. In US it is hard as books limit quick etc. If you would like to know more we can talk more.

Then this

Yes I have contacts all over the world going to games and telling me the bets. With $1000 a bet, we can make at least 100k a week. If you want in let me know.

Then this

We are professionals doing it for a living so we have a system in place to get the signals and place the bets before the market gets suspended. I can do it for you if you want in.

Then this

No you give us the money for us to do it for you. We take 20% of the winnings for helping you. 80% is yours.



Dec 19, 2021

NOW Captrobey is saying that I am using two accounts to contact people.

It is absolutely ASTONISHING how dumb/gullible some people can be.

I am cracking up here! They keep digging further and further into that hole.

POST THE PM'S with the senders name! Check IP address or whatever computer guys can do. (I am NOT good with technology)

That place is in a tizzy. SHEEP!



Oct 27, 2021
Apologies for the long post.....

Indiana94 (False Start), I've read your posts at BMR and the place across the street and I understand your frustration but I'd ask you to do one thing.... Take a look at this situation as if you were on the other side of the issue, an outsiders point of view. Just for a second. I'm not taking sides, only looking at what I've seen.

1. The place across the street banned you. Whether you agree with their policies or not, they aren't just going to ban someone for no reason. They do so after having evidence of a poster doing something wrong. If they banned people for no reason, none of these forums would exist. Sure sometimes we disagree with their decision but for you, it was a quick trigger. No warning, just banned. Typically, this is for a very aggregious infraction.

2. There is a poster from across the street who stated in this thread that he received PMs from posters indicating you made requests for $. Why would this poster come over to BMR to make this stuff up? He doesn't know you so he'd have not predisposition to lie. Anw, why would posters from across the street that PM'd him lie to him? He's got no dog in this hunt so what are his reasons for lying? That does not make any sense for him to make stuff up.

3. You come to BMR and want your story told about what happened across the street. Great. Fair enough. But you have lost a lot of credibility in your story by posting how "you don't have the tech know-how on how to post pics (bet tickets)" yet you sent numerous scanned docs which showed clearly know how to readily do this.

4. Now, why would you lie about any of this? Obviously, if you're touting or trying to generate money from others, you have a real reason for doing so. I'm not saying you are doing this, but there is a clear and potential motive.

5. If I had a system (such as the one your described) to past-post and cash in, I sure as hell would not talk about it on sportsbetting forums. No one making loads of cash would. I like these guys at BMR but I would not giving them my golden goose. No one would. The only reason to do so is to raise $$$. That is the biggest issue I see with your arguments.

Hell, you might be telling the absolute truth, I hope you are, but you have to understand most of the information provided does not support your story. Without a doubt through history innocent people have been convicted but, we have to read the evidence and make the call on what we see, not someone's word.

I wish you the best of luck in your plays and hope you get your money from
I'm not looking for a fight, just pointing out how this looks from an independent observer.
Take care.