I’m very close myself to investing into Robinhood for stocks & crypto. Gonna take like 90% of my 75K bankroll just waiting on the right moment. Don‘t feel like we are close to a bottom market just yet.
Never try to call a bottom on any market - just pick a point where you're comfortable entering multiple sectors/stocks and start 20% or so above that point investing gradually. If it gets worse - you'll be dollar cost averaged to the number you felt was a bottom to start with and if it recovers sooner - you'll make a profit and not be kicking yourself for not buying in when you had the chance above your projected bottom.
Right now though I agree - tech and many names are simply way over valued. I won't be touching the S&P for a while aside from long term investments in my 401k/IRA. Tech stuff is largely overbought and people are judging it by its selling price 6 months ago - just because something was 50% overpriced 6 months ago and now is just 25% overpriced does not make it cheap.
The big divided plays may go up if the volatility continues - but my strategy lies somewhere in the middle. Buy solid dividend payers who also can produce an upside.
I've mentioned PII and continue to like it into the 50's - 60-64 would be my exit point. They are however sensitive to consumer sentiment which is not looking great right now. People tend to buy less high end boats, UTV's and motorcycles when things are not good (but they do spend when they feel positive regardless of the market in general).
ARLP is another play I like - Trump likes coal and they have a lot of it. 10% yield and they have a small but emerging nat gas holdings as well to balance off their coal business. A lot of their coal is in Appalachia - it tends to be higher sulfur which was less desirable when we were making nice with the tree huggers and Canada. But now that we are in a trade war with our neighbors to the North and doing away with the EPA - their is a very good reason to like Appalachian coal - it produces more BTU per ton and can be mined cheaper.
AMR is another coal play without the dividend - difference here is they produce coking coal - the stuff you need to make steel and not run a power plant. Along with HCC - I'm thinking of dabbling in the 2 beaten down names - US made steel is poised to come back and they will benefit after a rough year.
Wouldn't go crazy on any of these as my top holdings - but good stocks with short term potential I think.