He did it AGAIN !!! Master at his craft
Really wish I had double dipped here. Things just got a little crazy and busy right at that time I was trading and you can tell from my post I was getting a little pissed off at the type market early on.
It’s necessary to be honest with yourself and look back and identify and correct mistakes in an honest fashion.
And, honestly, emotions might’ve been getting to be a little right at that time of trading to get me off of the +200 or better. I mentioned a little in DDD’s thread about being busy right at that moment, and feeling a little stress. I was managing multiple screens in many tasks, including live trading multiple games.
Emotions can short circuit rational thinking and lead us to taking action we shouldn’t or wouldn’t. In this case it kept me from taking an action I otherwise would’ve taken. At least that type of error is less costly than actually making stupid bets, chasing, etc.
Being busy wasn’t the issue, but getting distracted, and a little hurried and rushed lead to the issue mentally. How do I for the future?
So far all I have is to try not to put too much food on the plate at one meal. Don’t set myself up to get rushed. But, again, my problem wasn’t being busy. It was how I dealt with it.
So there’s more to the solution than meets the eye.