The sad part is for those of us who aren't Brad Pitt, Chris Evans, or Chris Pine.... we'll never get to meet/date these women. Way out of our league.... Well, except for MinnyFats... He'd smooth talk his way into a date.
The sad part is for those of us who aren't Brad Pitt, Chris Evans, or Chris Pine.... we'll never get to meet/date these women. Way out of our league.... Well, except for MinnyFats... He'd smooth talk his way into a date.
The sad part is for those of us who aren't Brad Pitt, Chris Evans, or Chris Pine.... we'll never get to meet/date these women. Way out of our league.... Well, except for MinnyFats... He'd smooth talk his way into a date.
Don't feel bad as the great philosopher Andrew Dice Clay said " You think you meet the woman of your dreams and you wine her dine her then you go to put your hand up her skirt and all the sudden your holding a tree trunk." Come to think of it these would be the perfect dates for Minnyfats.
Don't feel bad as the great philosopher Andrew Dice Clay said " You think you meet the woman of your dreams and you wine her dine her then you go to put your hand up her skirt and all the sudden your holding a tree trunk." Come to think of it these would be the perfect dates for Minnyfats.
Don't feel bad as the great philosopher Andrew Dice Clay said " You think you meet the woman of your dreams and you wine her dine her then you go to put your hand up her skirt and all the sudden your holding a tree trunk." Come to think of it these would be the perfect dates for Minnyfats.