This is horseshit. Like most of the liberal garbage you spew.
First of all, not every person who joins the military is some hero who wants to serve their country.
Some do it for self serving selfish reasons.
Some do it to avoid going to jail.
Some do it because they are homicidal maniacs who want a chance to kill people.
Secondly, no one is fighting for my freedom or defending my rights or yours or anyone else's you ridiculous moron.
There's no troops fighting for anyone's rights. We already have them.
You accused people of taking a tragedy and turning it into a political issue.
Yet, you did the exact same thing with your ridiculous, retarded post both yesterday and this one I'm responding to.
It's hilarious to me that you think you're some kind of intellectual when the reality is you're a fucking moron.
Again - let’s review who is spreading the horseshit here:
Not everyone who joins the military is a hero - some are just trying to goin going to jail.
As mentioned - since you have no experience, let me clarify some facts for you. Felons are not allowed to join the military. For obvious reasons - felons and those with mental defects CANN
Secondly, no one is fighting for my freedom or defending my rights or yours or anyone else's you ridiculous moron.
There's no troops fighting for anyone's rights. We already have them.
- Anyone serving IS defending your rights. The constitution is simply a piece of paper - nothing more. To say you hold a piece of paper and you have guarantee means nothing to an opposing army. The constitution you bring up contains several articles - including the right to bear arms and protections from quartering armies - which only serves as evidence that the people who wrote it understood as much. It is an unenforceable piece of paper without the ability for its nation to defend it. Allow any invading party to trespass in your home and pull out a copy of the constitution and tell them you have rights without any weapon and let me know how that works out for you.
You accused people of taking a tragedy and turning it into a political issue.
Again - I am simply showing how blind followers such as yourself are spewing their hatred and trying to support a political opinion in light of a human tragedy. There was no respect shown for the deceased - no moment of mourning - no time to stop and allow the surviving families to grieve before starting the political rhetoric and hatred.
If I am making it political - show me how. Show me where I’ve advocated for a single party at any time/ I am and remain a libertarian - my allegiances are not to a party but to a nation.
It's hilarious to me that you think you're some kind of intellectual when the reality is you're a fucking moron.
Never have I claimed to be any type of intellectual nor of above average intelligence. You simply presumed that - likely out of a sense of insecurity. Think I’m a moron - so be it - it’s pretty well established that your opinion on the topic is not one myself or many here care about. The fact you feel a gambling forum is the best venue to spew your hatred only gives further evidence to the fact you have no idea what you are talking about here. Tell me - what change have you effected with your post ? How many followers have you converted by posting here ? What have you done to change anyone’s mind on the topic or make any changes whatsoever? I’m guessing not a damn thing. For example - I myself did not serve, but I’ve proudly supported many who did - some voluntarily and some drafted into service by their nation for many years including helping with multiple veterans organizations. But hey - I’m just an ignorant moron who actively does something in real life - not some great leader who has changed the world posting hatred only gambling forum. A self proclaimed great intellectual such as yourself should be aware they are remembered not solely for their words - but for their actions. So what is it you have done?