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Pete Rose Passed Away??

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Nov 8, 2021
Guess who was the first person elected to the Baseball HOF?

Ty Cobb.

Ty Cobb killed a man in a street fight.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen.

According to baseball, placing a bet is far more grievous than killing someone.

fake news

The most egregious lie spread by the article was that Cobb killed one of three men who tried to mug him in an alley in 1912. Stump quotes Cobb saying he left the man "not breathing, in his own rotten blood." In a subsequent Cobb biography -- the one paired with the 1994 Tommy Lee Jones movie "Cobb," which is itself littered with misleading material -- Stump mentions a press report about "an unidentified body found off Trumbull Avenue in an alley."
We know that Cobb did get into an altercation during an attempted robbery at that time. There were press reports about the incident.
But a body? Back in 1996, the peer-reviewed journal The National Pastime examined autopsy records and newspaper reports from that time and found no record of any deaths due to blunt-force trauma in Detroit in August 1912.
So, sorry, there's no reason to believe Cobb killed a guy.
He certainly didn't kill anyone at the Euclid Hotel, though a fight with hotel employees has, like everything else in Cobb's life, become the stuff of legend.




Jan 8, 2024
Reading a story on Pete today - he was in TN over the weekend doing an autograph show and in a wheelchair - noted to look visibly worn down.

Compare to the photo I posted from a month ago here in Ohio (no wheelchair) - guy clearly knew he was on the decline.

Interesting as seems like he went out like Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, ect - signing autos for money till the end. I get these guys have contracts and those shows are serious income producers - but at what point do you just say enough is enough and say sorry - I got to stop, I’m not feeling well ?

Signed around 200 autos over the weekend - probably cleared $50 a piece from a signing fans paid $200 or so to attend. Would you spend your final day having to smile and make small talk with 200 strangers for 10k ? I wouldn’t.



Jan 8, 2024
Absolutely kept out due to his attitude toward the situation.

He felt he was “bigger than the game” - no one ever bought a ticket to a game because the commissioner would be in attendance - they came to see him. He knew without him - baseball had one less draw and played it aloof - it bit him as the owners/execs hated him being right.

Time to put him in and end it.

Should have been banned and that have been the end. Did he disrespect the game - yes. But so do cheap ass owners who refuse to field competitive teams and collect a profit sharing check from big market clubs.

BMR Genie

BMR Genie

Jun 16, 2016
Reading a story on Pete today - he was in TN over the weekend doing an autograph show and in a wheelchair - noted to look visibly worn down.

Compare to the photo I posted from a month ago here in Ohio (no wheelchair) - guy clearly knew he was on the decline.

Interesting as seems like he went out like Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Ted Williams, ect - signing autos for money till the end. I get these guys have contracts and those shows are serious income producers - but at what point do you just say enough is enough and say sorry - I got to stop, I’m not feeling well ?

Signed around 200 autos over the weekend - probably cleared $50 a piece from a signing fans paid $200 or so to attend. Would you spend your final day having to smile and make small talk with 200 strangers for 10k ? I wouldn’t.
Or maybe he just really loves what he's doing.

But yeah, I am not going to do that either. I will spend my remaining time with my loved ones.



Dec 11, 2021
Sadly the only Hall of Fame he will make is in the Cincinnati Reds organization. The guy played 500 games at 5 different positions lesser known fact.



Aug 8, 2024
fake news

The most egregious lie spread by the article was that Cobb killed one of three men who tried to mug him in an alley in 1912. Stump quotes Cobb saying he left the man "not breathing, in his own rotten blood." In a subsequent Cobb biography -- the one paired with the 1994 Tommy Lee Jones movie "Cobb," which is itself littered with misleading material -- Stump mentions a press report about "an unidentified body found off Trumbull Avenue in an alley."
We know that Cobb did get into an altercation during an attempted robbery at that time. There were press reports about the incident.
But a body? Back in 1996, the peer-reviewed journal The National Pastime examined autopsy records and newspaper reports from that time and found no record of any deaths due to blunt-force trauma in Detroit in August 1912.
So, sorry, there's no reason to believe Cobb killed a guy.
He certainly didn't kill anyone at the Euclid Hotel, though a fight with hotel employees has, like everything else in Cobb's life, become the stuff of legend.

As to the incident in Detroit in 1912, Stump quoted Cobb as saying he killed one of his attackers, beating the man with the butt of his Belgian pistol, then using the gun’s sight as a blade and “slash away until the man’s face was faceless.” The writer also quoted Cobb as saying: “Left him there, not breathing, in his own rotten blood.” In a later biography of Cobb, Stump added that a few days after the attack in Detroit, “a press report told of an unidentified body found off Trumbull Avenue in an alley.”
