isn’t this what they do every single time now anyhow? Vote it through in the final hours….
Wagerallsports Wagerallsports Administrator Staff member Joined Mar 6, 2018 Messages 59,494 Yesterday at 7:17 PM #21 Yesterday at 7:17 PM #21 isn’t this what they do every single time now anyhow? Vote it through in the final hours….
Archie Archie Active BMR member Joined Nov 8, 2021 Messages 4,319 Yesterday at 7:20 PM #22 Yesterday at 7:20 PM #22 more Biden budget yay! bunch of failures
Brock Landers Brock Landers Active BMR member Joined Oct 17, 2021 Messages 3,254 Yesterday at 7:39 PM #23 Yesterday at 7:39 PM #23 Anything Trump touches turns to shit
Pimike Pimike Well-known member Joined Oct 30, 2021 Messages 9,793 Yesterday at 8:41 PM #24 Yesterday at 8:41 PM #24 Brock Landers said: Anything Trump touches turns to shit Click to expand... You’re high
Brock Landers Brock Landers Active BMR member Joined Oct 17, 2021 Messages 3,254 Yesterday at 8:49 PM #25 Yesterday at 8:49 PM #25 Pimike said: You’re high Click to expand... You are if you think he's worth a shit
Pimike Pimike Well-known member Joined Oct 30, 2021 Messages 9,793 Yesterday at 8:53 PM #26 Yesterday at 8:53 PM #26 Brock Landers said: You are if you think he's worth a shit Click to expand... He does some good just be honest. Prices already down a little on gas and eggs
Brock Landers said: You are if you think he's worth a shit Click to expand... He does some good just be honest. Prices already down a little on gas and eggs
Brock Landers Brock Landers Active BMR member Joined Oct 17, 2021 Messages 3,254 Yesterday at 8:58 PM #27 Yesterday at 8:58 PM #27 Pimike said: He does some good just be honest. Prices already down a little on gas and eggs Click to expand... Markets Cratered 100% because of his pointless bullshit. That is a fact Gas was already low
Pimike said: He does some good just be honest. Prices already down a little on gas and eggs Click to expand... Markets Cratered 100% because of his pointless bullshit. That is a fact Gas was already low
phillyflyers phillyflyers Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2024 Messages 5,184 Yesterday at 9:51 PM #28 Yesterday at 9:51 PM #28 Brock Landers said: You are if you think he's worth a shit Click to expand... Prices are coming down right now. Your boy Biden was a senile criminal who was the head of a crime family. Trump is golden. Everything he touches turns to gold. From his family business, to the properties he owns, to the White House he now runs. We, and the world, are better off now that he's in charge.
Brock Landers said: You are if you think he's worth a shit Click to expand... Prices are coming down right now. Your boy Biden was a senile criminal who was the head of a crime family. Trump is golden. Everything he touches turns to gold. From his family business, to the properties he owns, to the White House he now runs. We, and the world, are better off now that he's in charge.