Hillary was a tremendous candidate. First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State…..compared to a trust fund baby that conned people for a living. The right demonized Hillary for decades. She would have been a great President and would have saved us from Trump and Biden.
Incurable deficiencies WHILE HOLDING OFFICE would be more like it. From Whitwater real estate in Arkansas where EVERY other investor went to jail, thru Benghazi / that completely disinterested testimony, thru the FBI conclusions of obstruction of justice but no charges, to her covering up Bills affairs thru her failed work on the 1993 health care act Hillary has been, for 40 years, unable to accomplish anything.
And why are we going back to Trump again...this is the 2nd time today you've gone "bad orange man" discussing your interpretation of Trumps Presidency without actually citing a single Trump policy that negatively impacted your life or the Country, and you still have failed to address JFs complete disaster last night.
I want to know why he won't release his medical records. If you guys say Trump is unfit or not transparent because he won't release taxes, then why does JF get a pass on this? He's asking PA voters for a 6 year contract, months after he should have died from his own poor choices and poor health.
I also want to know, if the Democrats had put a mannequin up there versus Oz, would you vote for the mannequin?