I have no issue w abortion. Personally, I'm relieved when people who cannot afford children or who aren't mature enough to raise them, do not procreate.
I do see the moral issue thou. There is no logical reason abortion should be used as a form of birth control...and with the widespread availability of contraception, plan b, and the notion of chastity, I see where the other side applies its arguments.
If Democrats would be realistic and apply limits to the procedure, we'd never be in this mess. Had Democrats universally agreed no late term, that would have been enough. But instead they wanted POST BIRTH abortion and that is why they've lost the issue in about 28-30 States that will have no choice but to outlaw the procedure. This issue more or less proved (along w the vaxx mandates/ masking) that if you give a liberal an inch, they'll take a foot. The pro choicers have Noone to blame but themselves here. They overreached.
That being said, as a Libertarian & Federalist, "kicking" the decision on this issue to the individual States is the proper ruling. The Federal Government has no right to intrude into our bedroom, our body or our church. This is why gay marriage is legal now, vaxx mandates were struck down & we don't have to bake cakes for those we religiously show apathy towards.