Hello My username in ladbrokes is diana8181
I registred on 5 nov and deposited money.On next day I get email from support-We need to verify your account,please send ID document and bill as well to documents@ladbrokescasino.com
I sent documents.
On next day I get answer from verification team
Your account has been verified,you will not be asked to send specifik documents again.
On 8 november I placed 10k on Malaga vs Eibar .My bet was winning and on my account is 16800 eur.
On next day I login and try to withdrawl but unfortunately when I click on Banking button opened new windon and Im forced logout.I try to wihdrawl several times-nothing.Also Im forced logout when I click on MY ACCOUNT batton.On LIVE chat support agent advise me cleared cookies and changed browser-nothing help.Your account is OK for withdrawl he also told me.
Agent escalate my withdrawl issue on relevant team 2 weeks ago.Every time after I asked them-what about issue I get one email
Please be advised that your withdrawal issue is still being reviewed by the relevant team.
We would like to apologize for the delay and rest assured that you will be notified as soon as there's an update.
For the meantime, we ask for your patience and cooperation.
2 weeks he cant resolved this.Last week their LIVE chat dont working at all.
Also I submit complaint and send to support about this.
Also get same answer-please be patience and cooperation!!!
I dont know what is RELEVANT TEAM in ladbrokes holt but he dont working !!!!
Is there any who can help me??
I registred on 5 nov and deposited money.On next day I get email from support-We need to verify your account,please send ID document and bill as well to documents@ladbrokescasino.com
I sent documents.
On next day I get answer from verification team
Your account has been verified,you will not be asked to send specifik documents again.
On 8 november I placed 10k on Malaga vs Eibar .My bet was winning and on my account is 16800 eur.
On next day I login and try to withdrawl but unfortunately when I click on Banking button opened new windon and Im forced logout.I try to wihdrawl several times-nothing.Also Im forced logout when I click on MY ACCOUNT batton.On LIVE chat support agent advise me cleared cookies and changed browser-nothing help.Your account is OK for withdrawl he also told me.
Agent escalate my withdrawl issue on relevant team 2 weeks ago.Every time after I asked them-what about issue I get one email
Please be advised that your withdrawal issue is still being reviewed by the relevant team.
We would like to apologize for the delay and rest assured that you will be notified as soon as there's an update.
For the meantime, we ask for your patience and cooperation.
2 weeks he cant resolved this.Last week their LIVE chat dont working at all.
Also I submit complaint and send to support about this.
Also get same answer-please be patience and cooperation!!!
I dont know what is RELEVANT TEAM in ladbrokes holt but he dont working !!!!
Is there any who can help me??