Nobody even cares we gotta worry about the USA not other countries. Let them blow each other up, doesn’t matter.
True JJ but it's more complicated than that
If countries like Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, for example, are allowed to freely take over or take out other countries, it won't end there
You know the saying "Give them and inch, and they will take a mile".
Meaning then it will be the next country, and then the next
The only thing standing in the way of the countries mentioned above ruling & running the entire world, is the Untied States
The U.S. is like the big brother at school who teaches the bully a lesson for picking on the little brother & his friends
If the United States is ever brought to it's knees, the other 'good' countries will eventually be ruled by the others some day
The countries who remain neutral or critique the U.S. better realize this and get their priorities straight
Well, at least this is how it's always been - Who knows what the U.S. stands for these days with our current governent