Eggs/fuel prices. I don't give a crap about.
What I do give a s#it about is:
- Tarrifs causing prices to go up 25%+
- Stock market dropping like a rock in a deep well.
- Inflation jumping back up to 9%+
- Interest rates increasing to offset inflation.
- Stagflation as a result of a recesssion with inflation.
- Recession causing high unemployment.
- Future Social Security and Medicare benefits being cut in half (Elon proposed today).
- The rich getting tax breaks while the middle class takes it in the a$$.
- Oligarchs taking over control of our government.
I'm financially secure no matter WTF goes down but I worry about my kids and what they will go through.
And the funny thing is, I'm a republican but the current actions being taking that are causing these things are NOT very republican like. Have to admit, I'm starting to question my vote, like thousands and thousands of others.